Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy Training Book

Positive Cavalier puppy training.
Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems

Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems.

If you’re seeking an exceptional positive reinforcement Cavalier puppy training book, look no further than “Proactive Puppy Care: Preventing Puppy Problems.” Setting the foundation for effective training and behavior management from day one is crucial.

Within the pages of this comprehensive puppy training book, you’ll discover invaluable insights and techniques to nurture your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel into a well-adjusted and contented companion. From positive reinforcement training methods to specialized strategies for crate training, socialization, and confidence-building, every aspect of your Cavalier puppy’s development is meticulously covered.

“Proactive Puppy Care” isn’t just a training book—it’s a roadmap to fostering a harmonious bond between you and your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Whether you’re tackling common behavioral issues, refining manners, or enhancing your pup’s grooming routine, this puppy guide equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to raise a happy, healthy, and well-behaved Spaniel for years to come. Even if you’re welcoming an adult or rescue Cavalier into your home, the insights provided within these pages will prove invaluable in establishing a positive relationship and addressing any existing challenges.

Puppy Training Concepts:

  • Motivation
  • Management
  • Crate Training
  • Confidence Building
  • Socialization
  • Dog To Dog Interactions
  • Puppies and Children
  • Puppy Etiquette
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Games To Play With Your Puppy
  • Preventing Common Behavioral Problems
  • Potty Training
  • Mouthing
  • Basic Training Cues
  • Teaching Good Walking Skills
  • Jumping Up
  • Your Puppy’s Health Care
  • Healthy Food and
  • Safe Dog Chews and Bones
  • Grooming Your Puppy
  • Traveling with Your Puppy

Order today on Amazon! Or check out the instant download on my Etsy shop.

Puppy training books for Cavaliers

 This book is designed for all breeds, not just Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 😉


How to stop separation anxiety.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Separation Anxiety Book

Separation anxiety in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety

Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety.

Living and caring for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who has dog separation anxiety can be very stressful for both the dog and their human family. I get it. I too had a dog with separation anxiety….thunder phobia, noise phobia, and was reactive to other dogs. But there is a humane way to help alleviate your Cavalier’s stress when you leave the house or even go outside to grab the mail.

Please Stay: Help for a Dog with Separation Anxiety is a comprehensive treatment program for alleviating your dog’s separation anxiety. Are you going to resolve your dog’s separation anxiety quickly? Not likely. I wish I could say treating separation anxiety in dogs is fast, but curing separation anxiety in a dog quickly is an unrealistic goal if your dog

Don’t leave me now. With my book on treating separation anxiety in dogs, I will take you step-by-step through reliable, positive, and effective training goals.

You’ll learn:

  • Separation Anxiety Causes and Symptoms
  • Does My Dog Have Separation Anxiety?
  • Beginning Treatment Plan
  • How it Affects Your Dog
  • Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
  • Prescription Anti-Anxiety Medication and Natural Remedies
  • Diet & Behavior
  • Confinement Area
  • How to Use Interactive Treat Toys
  • Practice Sessions
  • Teaching a Station or Go To Bed
  • Teaching a Stay
  • Appropriate Attention
  • Desensitizing Leaving Cues or Triggers
  • Exercise, Activities
  • Confidence Building
  • Daily Activities
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Accomplishment Checklist
  • Technology Assistance
  • Evaluating Reactions
  • Getting Out of the House
  • Monitoring Reactions
  • Maintaining Progress
  • Putting it All Together
  • Importance of Maintaining

Order today on Amazon! Or check out the download in the Etsy shop.

 This book is designed for all breeds, not just Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 😉

Cavalier training tracker

Dog Training Log Book Tracker, Planner for a Year

Dog training log book and tracker
Dog Training Log Book Tracker, Planner for a Year: A Year’s Worth of Dog Training Logbook Pages

Dog Training Log Book Tracker, Planner for a Year: A Year’s Worth of Dog Training Logbook Pages. This dog training tracker isn’t just a dog training logbook, it’s also a yearly, monthly, and weekly planner!

The best way to achieve your Cavalier’s training goals is to start with a training plan. Document your dog training sessions in this dog training tracker logbook, perfect for the dog trainer or student. If you are looking for a dog training tracker book, look no further. This dog training logbook was created by a positive dog trainer for trainers or the Cavalier parents.

Keep track of your Cavalier’s training goals, commands, lessons, and progression within this dog training record book. This dog tracker journal doubles as a yearly, monthly, and weekly dog planner. It’s the perfect size to pack in your dog’s training bag.

Inside this Dog Training Tracker Book:

  • 4 Master cue lists. 15 spaces for dog cue/command, description of the task, and learning notes on each page. Plenty of space at the bottom of each master list for additional notes or cues.
  • Yearly planner sheet with 5 spaces on each month for notes or goals.
  • 12 Monthly planner sheets with space for milestones and monthly goals.
  • 1 Blank page for each month for extra notes.
  • Weekly planner goals, 5 weeks in each month.
  • This dog training journal has plenty of space for notes, notes, and more notes. What went well, what did you struggle with, and how to improve? Keep track of your training location, environmental conditions, and how your Cavalier was feeling that day. Record your training sessions so you can review them.

Keep track of your Cavalier’s dog training progress and cues.

Post your master cue sheet on your refrigerator so all family members know what your dog’s cues are and how well your dog knows the behavior. When everyone is on the same page, training is much more successful.

Order today on Amazon!  Or, check out my Etsy shop for a download option.

Puppy training goals
Take a peek inside.
Dog training plans
Take a peek inside.
Puppy training log
Take a peek inside.
Puppy training books for Cavaliers
Order all three for the best puppy training!

 This puppy journal is designed for all breeds, not just Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 😉

Cavalier puppy training tracker and calendar

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy Journal and Planner

Puppy Tracker and Planner
New Puppy Journal Keepsake: Planner, Diary, Scrapbook and Notebook Wrapped up in One

New Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy Journal Keepsake: Planner, Diary, Scrapbook, and Notebook All in One

Embark on the adventure of your new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy’s first year with this comprehensive journal. More than just a keepsake, it doubles as a planner, allowing you to organize your Cavalier puppy’s life from yearly milestones to daily routines.

Within these pages, capture the joys and challenges of puppyhood, along with practical puppy training tips. Track progress in potty training your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, set training goals, and log visits to the veterinarian.

Every entry becomes a cherished memory as you watch your Cavalier puppy grow and learn.

Puppy First Year Memory Book Includes:

  • Large full-sized pages
  • Vet and puppy health record pages
  • All about my new puppy pages
  • My puppy’s story
  • Puppy’s first day home
  • Puppy’s first paw print page
  • A place to add an envelope for teeth and fur clippings
  • Puppy yearly planner
  • Puppy monthly planner
  • Puppy weekly planner
  • Your puppy’s monthly and weekly milestones and goals
  • Monthly positive training and puppy care tips
  • Weekly photo section

Order today on Amazon! 

Puppy keepsake book
Take a peek inside
Cavalier puppy training tracker and journal
Take a peek inside
Puppy training books for Cavaliers

 This puppy journal is designed for all breeds, not just Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 😉