Life with Tonya Influencer Marketing

Women Influencers and Bloggers

Influencers in the Pet Niche
Tonya & Dexter

Thank you for your interest in partnering with me. Life with Tonya is one of my two websites. Life with Tonya focuses on down-to-earth tips, recipes, and wellness ideas geared towards the busy adult woman. Raising Your Pets Naturally embraces all of my loves: dog behavior, dog training, cat behavior, dog and cat nutrition, pet care, pet product reviews, traveling with dogs, pet and human health, and, of course, lots of fun and useful information.

If you are you looking for a creative way to reach potential customers and get your brand in front of my niche audience, I have an opportunity for you. Together we can come up with a social media campaign that exceeds your expectations. Contact me today for my full media kit.

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How to Teach Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to Ignore Distractions When I’m out with Stewart, my 7-month-old Cavalier, we get stopped a lot. People see his big, sweet eyes, his cute winter coat and wiggly little body and immediately want to say hello. And if this goes for people with or without their dog. But […] [...]Read more...
Supporting Your Senior Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: The Ultimate Guide to Aging Cavaliers After 15 amazing years with my Cavalier, Dexter it was his time to go to the rainbow bridge. It’s never an easy decision to make and since then, I have been thinking back on our life together. Over the course of his […] [...]Read more...
How to Stop Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel From Licking Everything Have you ever wondered why your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel licks you or how to curb excessive licking? If so, you’re not alone. Many Cavalier parents find themselves trying to stop their Cavalier from licking so much. Let’s take a closer look at why […] [...]Read more...