How to Bathe a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy

If you are wondering how to bathe a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy at home, I have you covered. As a Cavalier mom and positive dog trainer, I’m ready to help you make bathing your Cavalier puppy not only effective but enjoyable and stress-free for your new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy.
Dexter, who is now fifteen, has had his fair share of dog baths. But, today, I’m going to share how I gave Willow her first bath at home. With the right setup, some tasty treats, taking it slow, and a cozy towel, you can create a zen atmosphere for your Cavalier’s bathtime. So here’s a step-by-step guide to giving your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy their first bath.

Set Up Your Puppy’s Bath Space for Safety and Comfort
First, you want to ensure your puppy’s bathtub or sink is safe and secure. You don’t want your puppy slipping on the surface of a wet tub or sink. First things first-secure the bathtub or sink so your puppy won’t slip. A good rubber mat keeps your Cavalier from slipping, and this alone will help your puppy feel safer in the tub. If your Cavalier is small, like Willow, you can easily bathe them in the sink. But, if they are larger, like Dexter, a tub is a must, or a portable dog bathtub can also work well. I haven’t used one, but I’ve heard from other Cavalier families they are great!
Warm Towel Tip: Before starting your puppy’s bathtime, place a few towels in the dryer. Then, just before you head to the bath, grab the warm towels. Then, after bathtime, your puppy can be wrapped in a warm-and-cozy towel. If you air dry your Cavalier puppy, then add some puppy blankets too, so they can cozy up in the pile of warm blankets.

How to Choose a Puppy Shampoo That is Safe
When choosing a safe puppy shampoo, the first stop is the back of the shampoo bottle to read the entire ingredient panel. Yup, you want to read each ingredient and make sure those ingredients are safe and natural. You may be surprised at the garbage that you find in some puppy shampoos.
Full disclosure, I’ve been working with the 4-Legger brand since 2016 and, in my opinion, they are the best out there. For puppies, I like their hypoallergenic SOOTHE formula. This isn’t a puppy shampoo review, but I do want to share their ingredient panel, so you can get a better idea on what a good puppy shampoo looks like.
4-Legger SOOTHE Ingredients: Organic Aloe Juice, Organic Saponified Oils (Coconut, Shea Butter, Olive, Sunflower, and Jojoba), Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Rosemary Extract Order today with promo code RaiseNaturally20 for 20% off your first order.
Keep Your Cavalier’s Inner Ears Dry
Protecting those little ears is important. You can place a cotton ball gently in each ear to prevent water from sneaking in, but remember to remove them after! Or, you can simply gently press their ear to their head as you use a warm washcloth.
Be Generous with the Tasty Treats or Lick Mats
Treats are key to conditioning your puppy that bathtime is good. Bath=Treats or Bath=Lick Mat Time Giving treats throughout the bath not only keeps it positive but also helps distract them from what is going on. Talk to your Cavalier puppy through the experience. Let your puppy know how much you love them and that this is a safe experience.
Watch Willow’s First Bath and don’t forget to subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun for more!
Introduce Your Puppy to the Bath Gently
When it’s go-time, place your puppy gently in the sink or tub. Willow was a little unsure at first, so I kept things calm and encouraging. We went slowly, allowing her to get comfortable, and rewarded her bravery with treats. You can always do this in steps over a few days if your puppy is nervous. Teaching your Cavalier puppy to enjoy a bath is going to be so important since this is a breed that can benefit from baths to keep their luxurious coat beautiful. The benefit of puppy bathing is that the process can be much shorter than when your Cavalier has a full coat.
Start the Water Slowly
Once your puppy seems a bit settled, turn on the water. Using a shower sprayer is ideal because it’s easier to manipulate around your Cavalier and get the belly and bum area easier. Always check the temperature; you want it warm, but never hot. If your pup gets nervous, reassure them with gentle touches, talk to them, and provide healthy and tasty treats. We want bathtime to be a good thing, not something to avoid.

Wet Your Puppy and Lather Up
Begin with their back, avoiding their face for now. Once they’re damp, add a little shampoo and lather gently. Go slow and talk to your pup throughout to keep them reassured. Make sure to reach all those little spots like under the belly, armpits, and legs.
When it comes to cleaning your Cavalier’s face, be careful and gentle. Grab a soft washcloth, soak it in warm water, and wring out any excess. Gently wipe around your puppy’s face, especially near the eyes and mouth, to keep things clean without needing shampoo. Cavaliers can be sensitive around their eyes, so keep it soothing and slow, making it a comfortable moment for them. If there’s any tear staining, gently focus on those areas but avoid scrubbing.
Rinse Thoroughly
It’s so important to rinse really well to avoid any leftover shampoo that could irritate their skin. Keep the water warm and gently go over each area until you’re sure they’re squeaky clean.
How to Dry a Cavalier After a Bath
Gently squeeze out as much water as possible from their coat while they’re still in the tub, especially from their ears, legs, and belly. Be careful not to pinch their skin. Then grab a warm towel and start rubbing them down right in the tub. Begin with their back and then work down to their legs, belly, and especially those floppy ears! The towel rubdown helps absorb extra moisture and keeps your puppy from dripping everywhere.
Pro tip: When it looks like your puppy is going to shake their head, try covering their ears lightly with a towel. It can help prevent ear issues and keeps the shake-off water spray to a minimum!
Should You Blow-Dry Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy?
Watch Willow’s first blow dry & don’t forget to subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun
For a little more drying, a low heat or cool setting on a blow dryer works great. Keep the dryer moving and avoid getting too close to their skin. And, of course, more treats and sweet talk make this part easier too! I would highly recommend desensitizing your puppy to the hair drier first. You can learn how in the video below. If you are going to allow your Cavalier to air-dry, I would suggest using a dog drying jacket and warm , snuggly blanket.
Learn how to teach your Cavalier to love drying and subscribe to our other YouTube channel @RaisingYourPetsNaturally
And there you have it—bathing your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy at home for the first time! If you’re wondering, when should I bathe my puppy for the first time, or how often should I bathe my puppy, it’s usually safe to start around eight to twelve weeks, assuming you are using a truly safe puppy shampoo. With these tips and a positive approach, you’ll help set up your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy for a lifetime of happy bath times.
What part of your puppy’s first bath are you most nervous about? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to help make it a fun experience for both of you!
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