Cavalier Gifts and Blog

Original Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Gifts
Cavalier Gifts & Blog: Everything for Your Royal Companion

Welcome to the Cavalier Gifts blog, your ultimate destination for all things Cavalier King Charles Spaniels! I’m Tonya, and my BFF there is Dexter. I’ve been a positive dog trainer for over twenty-five years and passionate about natural pet care and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for fourteen years. Thanks, Dexter! 

I started Cavalier Gifts many years ago, basically because I wanted unique Cavalier King Charles Spaniel gifts, merchandise, and clothing that I wasn’t finding elsewhere. I work with various creative artists to come up with original Cavalier designs and upload them on TeePublic or Zazzle (print-on-demand shops). 

Cute Cavalier gifts and merchandise
Shop at our TeePublic shop.

But it doesn’t stop there. I’m so over the top in love with the breed that I started the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Training, Games, Care, Tips & Demos Facebook group! Then came the YouTube channel, Cavalier Tips and Fun. Finally, it was time to start this blog. I mean, I just can’t get enough of those long, flowing ears and big eyes.

But wait, there’s more. My blogging and YouTube didn’t start here. I also have Raising Your Pets Naturally blog and RYPN YouTube channel.  If that’s not enough, I also started a third YouTube channel just for kids, Dexter the Dog and Friends. To say I’m passionate about dogs is an understatement.

Fun Cavalier King Charles Spaniel gifts
Shop at our Zazzle shop

A few more things before you go. For non-breed specific, you can also check out my THE Dog Designs shop on both TeePublic and Zazzle. And for all of your dog printable downloads, hop over to my Etsy shop. You can also check out my books on Amazon! OK, I think that is it for the time being. But you just never know with me.

Dexter and I are truly happy you stopped by. If you have any questions or need help, just shoot me a note. ~Tonya & Dexter the Dog

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May 14, 2024Hot Weather Tips for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels People often think of summer as a good time to get out and about with our Cavaliers. As a dog-friendly travel blogger, I’m often pitched ideas and stories about taking Dexter to X outdoors, even in July or August. But, the reality is, that’s usually just too darn hot for my now 14.5 year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dexter. He’s always run a bit hot, but now, as a senior and with MVD, the summer heat is just not ideal for him. But, it’s not just Dexter. Summer heat can pose health issues such as sunburn and heatstroke. Today, I’m going to jump into some ideas on how to keep your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cool and active during the summer or warm months. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Heat Stroke Heatstroke is a serious concern for all dog families, particularly for breeds like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which can be more susceptible due to their flat-faced (brachycephalic) nature. Any dog, any breed, and any age can develop heat stroke, even on cool days! The VetCompassTM conducted a study in 2016 regarding the risk factors for heat-related illness (HRI): Breeds with the highest incidence of HRI included the Chow Chow, Bulldog, French Bulldog, Dogue de Bordeaux, Greyhound, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Pug, and the Golden Retriever. Dogs at or above the mean adult body weight for their breed/sex showed an increased risk of HRI compared to dogs below the mean body weight. Dogs over 12 years old had the greatest odds of HRI compared to dogs under 2 years old. Signs of Heatstroke in a Cavalier Recognizing the signs of heatstroke and taking preventive measures are crucial to keeping your dog safe. Signs such as excessive panting, drooling, rapid pulse, and restlessness indicate your Cavalier may be overheating. If you notice these symptoms, act quickly by providing cool (not cold) water and applying damp towels to areas with good blood flow, such as the head, armpits, and groin. Then take your Cavalier to the vet to prevent things from getting worse. How Food Affects Your Cavalier’s Ability to Tolerate Heat Just like for us, our pet’s food does more than just provide them with calories. Food has a big impact on their overall health, affecting everything from their longevity to their behavior and how they handle hot and cold temperatures. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), everything in life has a balance of energy and heat, represented by Yin and Yang. Yin embodies the cool, and yang is the hot. This includes our pets, food, and environment; they all have specific energetics. Dexter tends to run a little more yang (hot). Therefore, when I’m creating his meals, I aim to have the foods I provide either be energetically cooling or neutral. I avoid energetically warm or hot foods and proteins. For example, common foods that are warming or hot include goat, lamb, venison, chicken, and pheasant. Whereas, cooling proteins include rabbit, duck, beaver, cold water fish, and muskrat. Applying this feeding concept to our Cavaliers, we can tailor their diets to help regulate their internal temperature. During the warmer months, opting for cooling foods can help maintain balance and comfort for your Cavalier. Google Ad Below Summer Fun for You and Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Despite the summer heat, Dexter and I still enjoy our summer adventures. They just need to be modified according to the weather. The first thing I do is check the weather, so I’m not out and about with Dexter and surprised! Walking or strolling Dexter in the morning is by far cooler than in the evening. I know people suggest evening walks, but, honestly, the heat from the pavement and the atmosphere seem hotter to me than in the morning. Your location may be different. Try walking on grassy areas instead of pavement. Shady parks beat the noon sun. Breezy days while wading in the water are another fun way to help your Cavalier stay cool. However, if it’s still sunny or warm, cool water on their feet and a breeze are unlikely to cut it. We do a lot of indoor adventures during the summer months. Pet stores, dog friendly stores and attractions are our go-tos. I also do a lot of indoor training sessions and enrichment activities to help keep Dexter engaged. The bottom line is that I don’t want to risk Dexter’s health. And I can say from experience, it’s not a good feeling. Back in 2018, I’m pretty sure Dexter almost had a heat stroke! We were in Florida in the spring, doing touristy things. I thought I was being careful, bringing Dexter inside the stores, indoor attractions, and a covered train tour, but he really wasn’t doing well. He started showing signs of heatstroke. We rushed him to the hotel and cooled him down. I was lucky. And I’m not sure what I would have done if I wasn’t so lucky. Hot Weather Tips for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Grooming & Trimming: Regularly groom your Cavalier to remove loose fur and prevent overheating. I do give Dexter a puppy cut by trimming his belly, legs, and tail. I started this because of his CM/SM, but it also helps lighten his load and keeps him cooler. Travel Comfort: Ensure your Cavalier’s comfort during travel with a well-ventilated crate or car harness, and schedule frequent breaks for water and shade. I also use a cooling mat and fan blowing on Dexter. Sunscreen: Dog friendly sunscreen on your Cavalier’s nose helps protect him from harmful UV rays. Cooling Products: Invest in cooling accessories like a cooling vest, bandana, or mat to provide relief from the heat during outdoor adventures. Avoid the Hottest Part of the Day: Schedule outdoor activities during cooler times, such as early morning or late evening. Mind the Pavement: Hot asphalt can burn your Cavalier’s paw pads. Stick to grassy or shaded areas for walks. Hydration: Always have fresh water available, and encourage your Cavalier to drink frequently to stay hydrated. I put bone broth cubes in Dexter’s water bottle to encourage him to drink. If not, he will ignore the water. Indoor Play or Outings: On exceptionally hot days, opt for indoor activities like interactive games or training sessions to keep your Cavalier entertained while staying cool. Cooling Foods: Opt for cooling or neutral proteins in your Cavalier’s diet. Remain vigilant, provide ample shade and hydration, and monitor your Cavalier for signs of overheating. Keep your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s well-being in mind, and use these practical tips to make sure you and your Cavalier have a safe and enjoyable summer.   Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
April 15, 2024Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Potty Training Congratulations on welcoming a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel into your life! They’re such charming and affectionate dogs, full of warmth and love. As a fellow Cavalier mom and positive dog trainer, I’m thrilled to share my experience on the best way to potty train a Cavalier puppy. Let’s jump right in to how to successfully housebreak your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. I love puppies! And Cavalier puppies are just some of the cutest little things ever! There’s nothing quite like their sweet kisses, puppy breath, and zest for life! But it’s not all puppy kisses; we also must potty train our Cavaliers. Nobody likes an untrained dog. One common question I get from Cavalier followers is how to best potty train their puppy. I’ve seen plenty of discussions about potty accidents in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel groups, and I’m here to share some potty training tips with you. First things first. Let’s start by being realistic. Contrary to what some may suggest, potty training a puppy in a matter of days is not realistic. It’s important to realize that puppies, just like human babies, need time to learn and gain control over their bladders. So, if you’re expecting your Cavalier to hold it for hours after just a few days of training, you are setting your pup and yourself up for failure.   My own Cavalier, Dexter, wasn’t fully potty trained in a mere five days, and I’m perfectly okay with that. I prioritized consistent management and frequent potty breaks, which ultimately led to just a couple of accidents in the house. The key is to prevent accidents by being proactive, not reactive. What’s the best way to potty train your Cavalier puppy?  It all comes down to three essential things: supervision, frequent potty breaks, and confinement when you can’t actively watch them. The goal is to reduce the chances of accidents happening indoors. When it comes to supervision, it’s eyeballs on! This means keeping a watchful eye on your puppy at all times, ensuring that you’re there to rush them outside if it looks like they are about ready to go. You can use things like baby gates, leashes, shut doors, or X-pens so that you can keep your eyes on them at all times.  Don’t forget to subscribe to @RaisingYourPetsNaturally for more! How Often Should You Take Your Puppy Potty? As for how often to take your puppy potty, it really depends on their age and activity level. Active puppies may need to go out every 15–30 minutes, while older dogs can typically hold it for longer periods. The key is to stay ahead of the game and take your puppy out whenever you notice a change in their behavior or activity. A change in behavior or activity signals that it’s time for a bathroom break. For example, if your puppy just had a bout of puppy zoomies, out to potty we go. Did your puppy wake up from a nap? Out to potty we go. By not waiting for your puppy to ask to go out or have an accident, you are well on your way to a potty-trained dog. When it comes to crate training, make sure the crate is just the right size to discourage accidents. The crate should be large enough for your pup to stand and lie down comfortably, but not so large that they can use one corner as a bathroom. Whether you have a fenced yard or not, leash your puppy. This gives you the opportunity to reward your puppy for going potty outside. You will be right there to praise your puppy, give him a snack, and tell him just how smart he is. It also leads to my next potty training tip: teaching your Cavalier to potty on cue!   Teaching your Cavalier to potty on cue is a must in my book. Imagine being able to take your dog outside just before the rainstorm and ask him to pee and poo, and he does! This useful behavior isn’t just fantastic for potty training your dog; it’s incredibly convenient in daily life. The keys to teaching your Cavalier to eliminate on cue are good management, timing, and your reward. By associating a word for peeing with a separate word for defecating, you can start to teach your puppy to do either when requested. Subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun Teaching Your Cavalier to Potty on Cue Here’s how to get started: Begin the training process in the morning, when your pup wakes up. Arm yourself with some delicious treats, leash up your Cavalier, and head outside to his favorite potty spot. Stay close and pay attention to your puppy. Stay about 6’, so it’s not just a sniffing fest; the goal is to get him to eliminate before a big walk, play, or sniff. Pay close attention to your Cavalier’s body language. Watch for subtle cues like sniffing, circling, or squatting, which indicate he’s about to eliminate. As soon as you see a sign, use your potty cue, such as “Go potty,” and wait patiently. When your pup starts to do his business, praise quietly, and after he’s finished, give him big praise and rewards. You want to make sure you don’t interrupt the potty process by rewarding too soon. If your dog typically follows up with a poop, repeat the process with your poop cue, like “Go poop-poop,” and reward him once he’s finished. After your Cavalier has finished his business, it’s time for the next reward: fun! Whether it’s a walk, playtime in the yard, or simply enjoying the fresh air, make sure to give your pup some extra time to enjoy himself before heading back indoors. This helps reinforce the idea that going potty leads to enjoyable activities. Repeat this routine each time you take your Cavalier outside, even if you’re planning on going for a walk. By always pairing potty time with rewards, you’ll motivate your pup to go more quickly. As your Cavalier starts to make the connection between potty on cue and familiar surroundings, gradually introduce the cue in different environments, such as the park or during walks. This helps your dog understand the cue in any situation, ensuring they respond reliably wherever you are. With patience, consistency, and plenty of positive reinforcement, you can teach your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to potty on cue, making potty training easier. Subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun on YouTube! Bell Training Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy  While some love doggie doorbell training or puppy pads, I prefer to focus on methods that teach puppies to potty outside, not inside or on “things.”  I find these methods tend to confuse puppies. Potty pads or litter boxes are teaching the puppy to potty on things that happen to be indoors. This could be a potty pad, but it also could end up being your favorite blanket.  As far as bell training goes, I’m not a fan of encouraging demanding behavior in dogs. Teaching them to ring bells to go outside may inadvertently lead to them using this to not only tell us they need to potty, but also that they may want to go outside to chase squirrels.  I believe in keeping potty training simple and straightforward, focusing on reinforcing the desired behavior of outdoor elimination. By keeping things simple and staying consistent, we can focus on potty training without having to rely on pee pads or bells. In the end, potty training your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is all about patience, consistency, and a whole lot of love. By following these tips and staying diligent,  you’ll set your new puppy up for success.   Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!       Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
May 29, 2024Natural Diet for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dexter’s Food Journey with Raw and Homemade Food Dexter, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, was a raw-fed puppy. However, because I wasn’t sure how to do it properly, and I was unaware that there were premade raw foods on the market, I fed him kibble with food toppers. After learning about how to balance a fresh dog food diet, I started to home cook for him when he was around two. Then, when he was about four, I transitioned him to a DIY raw diet. Through this journey with Dexter, I’ve learned about creating a nutritious and tailored diet that meets his unique needs. Now, I’m excited to pass along my tips and thoughts on feeding your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Let’s dive in! Natural diet for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for the best pet products, natural dog grooming supplies, and the healthiest dog food brands for your Cavalier. One of the most important aspects of your Cavalier’s well-being is their diet. Dogs are natural carnivores, made to thrive on a diet of fresh meat. This means a species-appropriate diet is key to their health and vitality. Understanding Species-Appropriate Nutrition Let’s think about our dogs’ ancestors for a moment. They thrived on a diet of raw meat, bones, and organs. Today, we can recreate this natural diet with a raw food approach, using fresh, high-quality ingredients that focus on what dogs are meant to eat. For your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, in a nutshell, this means focusing on a diet that’s about 90 percent meat, bone, and organ, with the remaining 10 percent coming from fruits and vegetables. This balance provides the essential nutrients and fiber they need to stay healthy. Personally, I feel if you aren’t able to go raw, this diet can also be cooked. You just would need to provide the calcium from the bones in another form, since dogs cannot eat cooked bones. Don’t forget to subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun for more! The Problem with Processed Dry Kibble Now, dry kibble. It’s processed at high temperatures, which takes away almost all the moisture and nutrients from the ingredients. Often, kibble is made with low-quality ingredients and fillers that don’t give your dog the nutrients they need. The lack of moisture in kibble can also lead to chronic dehydration, affecting everything from kidney function to skin and coat health. Plus, since kibble is made to last a long time, the ingredients can go rancid quicker than you might think, making it even less nutritious for your pup. The Importance of Moisture in Your Dog’s Diet Moisture is a crucial part of your dog’s diet. In the wild, dogs get most of their hydration from the food they eat. Fresh, raw diets naturally provide the moisture that kibble just can’t. This is essential for your dog’s digestion, kidney health, and overall well-being. By feeding them fresh, high-quality meat and vegetables, you’re making sure they stay hydrated naturally, without having to depend solely on drinking water. Google Ad Below Finding the Best Diet for Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel When it comes to our Cavaliers, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Every dog is unique, with their own health needs, behaviors, and lifestyle. Personally, I’m a big advocate for variety. This could be in the form of different proteins, suppliers or even a nice pre-made raw or mix. I steer clear of dry pet food altogether unless I’m using freeze dried food for dog training treats. For me, a balanced DIY raw diet for Dexter is the way to go. It’s fresh, it’s healthy, and I can tailor and tweak it to Dexter’s needs. Why a Raw Food Diet is Ideal for Most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels A raw food diet is as close to a natural diet as you can get for your Cavalier. It includes raw meat, bones, and organs, providing essential vitamins and minerals often lost in commercial dog foods. This diet can improve your Cavalier’s skin and coat health, immune system, and help maintain a healthy weight. As I mentioned earlier, I think adding an approximately 10 percent mix of fruits and vegetables is a great way to add a nutritional boost to the bowl. By avoiding the fillers and artificial additives found in many commercial foods, we ensure our dogs get the best nutrition possible. Homemade Raw or Cooked Food: Personalized Nutrition for Your Cavalier One of the best ways to ensure your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is eating the healthiest diet is to make their food at home. This way, you control the quality of the ingredients and can tailor the meals to your dog’s specific needs. Homemade meals are especially beneficial if your Cavalier is a picky eater or has food allergies. Just remember to balance their diet properly to include all necessary nutrients. Whether your dog has allergies, digestion issues, or any other specific needs, you can tweak their diet to meet their needs. Feeding Your Cavalier a Grain-Free Diet You might have heard that grain-free foods are bad for Cavaliers because they were thought to have caused Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). In 2019, the FDA released a list of grain-free pet foods that had people swearing that grain-free dog food was bad. But, guess what? It’s really not the case. In fact, in 2022 the FDA announced on their website there wasn’t a solid link between grain-free diets and DCM. Feeding your dog grain-free can actually be a good choice for your Cavalier. But things get tricky if you are looking at a purchased grain-free alternative, particularly a dry kibble. When you’re reading the ingredient panel of a dog food (yes, read those labels), watch out for ones loaded with peas, lentils, legumes, seeds, and/or potatoes. Even if the front of the bag screams “meat-first,” it might sneak in a bunch of carbs and starches that aren’t ideal. According to experts, such as Dr. Karen Becker, it’s not about cutting out grains—it’s about making sure our pets aren’t eating too many starchy fillers. So, bottom line? Go back to that 90 percent meat recommendation. Feeding Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy When it comes to feeding your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, it’s essential to consider their unique nutritional needs as they grow. If you’re not quite sure about the specifics of puppy nutrition, it’s perfectly okay to rely on trusted commercial brands known for their expertise in creating a balanced diet for puppies. A commercial raw puppy food will include the essential proteins, fats, and calcium your puppy needs to develop strong bones. The key is to ensure whatever you choose is well-rounded and provides all the nutrients your Cavalier puppy requires during the puppy life stage. Maintaining a Healthy Weight Keeping your Cavalier at his ideal weight is super important. Maintaining a healthy weight isn’t just about good looks, but their health. Extra weight can contribute to health issues like joint problems and heart disease. The breed standard says they should weigh between thirteen and eighteen pounds. But, Cavaliers can vary a lot in size. Take Dexter, for instance. He’s a bit of a big guy, weighing his ideal weight at a healthy twenty-nine pounds. So, how do you know if your Cavalier is at the right weight? It’s all about getting your hands on your dog. Run your fingers lightly over their ribcage; you should be able to feel their ribs without pressing too hard. If they’re too prominent, they might be on the thin side. But if you can’t feel them at all, or if their waistline has disappeared, they might be carrying a few extra pounds. Just keep an eye on their overall body shape, and remember, every Cavalier is unique! How Often to Feed Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Consistency is key when it comes to feeding your Cavalier. Establishing a regular feeding schedule helps regulate their metabolism and digestion. Typically, feeding your Cavalier twice a day, in the morning and evening, works well. For puppies, more frequent meals might be necessary to meet their higher energy demands. I actually feed Dexter three times a day, mainly due to the fact that he gets so much food, I prefer to space it out. Adding Supplements and Vitamins Even with a well-balanced diet, supplements can play an essential role in your Cavalier’s health. Omega-3 fatty acids can enhance skin and coat health, probiotics can aid digestion, and joint supplements can support mobility. Always consult your Cavalier’s vet before adding new supplements to ensure they’re necessary and safe. When possible, opt for real food supplements vs. synthetic. Food Allergies in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels If your Cavalier has allergies, a limited-ingredient fresh diet can be incredibly beneficial. Before jumping brands, I would suggest going through a pet food elimination diet to identify triggers. Once you know what your Cavalier is allergic to, you can create a personalized diet just for him. You can read more about how and why a pet food elimination diet is helpful on my other blog, right here. Safe Fruits and Vegetables to Feed Your Cavalier Things like carrots, broccoli, and kale can be great sources of extra nutrients and fiber. And don’t forget the powerhouse of antioxidants fruits like blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates, and apples can provide. For best digestion, blitz them up! Introduce all new foods slowly and keep an eye on what works for your dog. Transitioning to a Raw Food Diet Transitioning your Cavalier to a raw food diet should be done gradually to avoid digestive upsets. Start by introducing small amounts of raw food while slowly decreasing their current food. A 75 percent and 25 percent switch usually works well. Over a week or two, increase the raw portion until it completely replaces their old diet. Choosing the Best Raw Food Brands Selecting high-quality raw food brands for your Cavalier ensures they get balanced and nutritious meals. Personally, I look for brands that offer meats that are antibiotic and hormone free. Ideally, any fruits and vegetables will be organic. Opt for whole foods vs synthetics when possible. But, it will be a balancing act based on what’s available to you and your budget. As I mentioned earlier, shoot for approximately 90 percent meat, bone, and organ. A few raw brand choices to consider include BJ’s Raw, Raw Paws Pet Food, Raw Wild, We Feed Raw, Primal, Vital Essentials, Smallbatch, Raw Bistro and Steve’s Real Food. A Healthy Diet Can Improve the Immune System, Skin, and Coat Health By providing your Cavalier with a balanced raw or homemade diet you’re not just filling their bowl, you’re nurturing their well-being from the inside out. Fresh diets, whether raw or homemade, are rich in unprocessed ingredients, offering a higher concentration of vital nutrients compared to heavily processed kibble. Fresh foods do not have the fillers and additives found in kibble, making them easier for dogs to digest and absorb. Because of this, fresh food promotes better immune function, healthier skin, and a shinier coat, making them the ideal choice for your Cavalier. By focusing on a fresh, natural diet tailored to your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s specific needs, you’re setting them up for a long, healthy, and happy life. Remember, my goal is to offer guidance and support to help you navigate the journey of pet nutrition, without any judgment. Let’s work together to ensure the best possible care for you and your Cavalier!   Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
June 8, 2024Treatment options for Chiari malformation and Syringomyelia My best friend, Dexter the Dog, was diagnosed with Chiari malformation and syringomyelia in 2012, just before his third birthday. This diagnosis hit me hard. Over the past twelve years, I’ve shared a lot about Dexter’s diagnosis, care, and treatments on my Raising Your Pets Naturally blog and YouTube channel. Since I recently started this blog dedicated to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, I thought it would be a good time to write an update on Dexter’s care and what I’ve learned. I am also happy to say that at almost fifteen, Dexter is doing amazingly well! I hope you find this article on Chiari malformation and syringomyelia in dogs helpful. Please share this information to help others dealing with this heartbreaking diagnosis learn about the many helpful and natural treatments for dogs with Chiari malformation and syringomyelia. What is Chiari Malformation (CM) and Syringomyelia (SM) Chiari malformation commonly affects Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahuas, Brussels Griffons, Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Pomeranians, Toy Poodles, and Shih Tzus. In dogs with CM, the skull is too small to hold their brain properly. This overcrowding forces parts of the brain, specifically the cerebellum and medulla, out of their normal positions. The cerebellum controls movement and balance, while the medulla is connected to breathing and heart rate. When these brain parts are pushed out of place, they obstruct the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Cerebrospinal fluid is in the brain and spinal cord and acts as a natural cushion, protecting the brain. When the flow of CSF is blocked, it can lead to a buildup of pressure and result in serious neurological issues and can form syringomyelia (SM), a condition where fluid-filled cavities form within the spinal cord. In Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chiari malformation is a congenital issue, meaning they are born with it. Dr. Clare Rusbridge established a breeding protocol to help reduce CM/SM in puppies. Following the breeding protocol is crucial for reducing the risk of Chiari malformation (CM) and syringomyelia (SM) in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. If both parents have CM/SM, puppies are 92 percent likely to be affected, while the risk drops to 77 percent if only one parent is affected. If both parents are clear of CM/SM, there is a 70 percent chance their puppies will be clear, rising to 87 percent if the grandparents are also clear. Potential Cavalier families should seek breeders who perform this testing to ensure healthier puppies. The only way to diagnose Chiari malformation and syringomyelia definitively is through an MRI scan. Recognizing Chiari malformation is vital for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel families because early detection and treatment can greatly improve the quality of life for dogs with this condition. If you notice symptoms like uncoordinated movements, sensitivity around the head and neck, or any other unusual behaviors, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Symptoms of Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia in Dogs Symptoms of CM and SM in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and other breeds can vary. About a year before Dexter’s diagnosis, he began showing some random and unusual behaviors. And they didn’t happen all the time. Fixating at dust particles in the sunlight. Fidgeting and biting at his rear end. His vet initially thought it was anal glands, but they really weren’t that full, and he continued to do it. Acting strangely around flying insects. Whenever a fly was around, he would get strange and start spinning around and growling at his back end. Then, he had a downright scary episode, where he just was going crazy over his back end, growling, at it, spinning, and I could not gain his attention. I then decided to hit record the next time it happened. After recording the next episode and consulting Dr. Lynette Cole at The Ohio State University, three veterinary neurologists suspected Chiari malformation and syringomyelia. I then made an appointment at the OSU neurology department for an MRI and spinal tap. CM and SM were confirmed. Dexter’s episode is below. Don’t forget to subscribe to our @RaisingYourPetsNaturally YouTube channel for more. Other common symptoms of CM/SM in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can include: Air scratching, especially on walks or when excited. Head scratching or rubbing. Air snapping or licking. Random yelps of pain. Sensitivity to touch and being picked up. Hind end weakness. Head or body wobbles, stumbling, or squinting. Head pressing. Seeking darkness or solitude. Inactivity or depression. Restlessness. Google Ad Below Diagnosing Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia The only definitive way to diagnose CM/SM is with an MRI. If a dog shows common symptoms and belongs to a breed prone to this disease, like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, a vet might start treatment without MRI confirmation. For me, knowing exactly what Dexter had was key. Along with an MRI, Dexter also had a spinal tap to ensure we had all the facts. Treatment Options for Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia Surgery for Chiari Malformation in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Surgery is performed with the goal of restoring the natural flow of spinal fluid. This involves decompressing the affected area, removing bone fragments, and sometimes adding a shunt. However, the results can differ greatly from one dog to another. Despite surgical intervention, many dogs still require medication to manage their pain effectively. Medications for Chiari Malformation in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels The disease is progressive and varies in severity. Treatment prioritizes comfort and alleviates pain. Dr. Clare Rusbridge provides the gold standard in the medication treatment protocol. It’s essential to monitor organ functions regularly when administering long-term medications. Natural Treatments for Syringomyelia in Dogs There are many natural treatments to help support a dog with CM/SM. Here are some that have worked for Dexter: Acupuncture: Restores the normal flow of energy through specific pathways. Cold Laser Therapy: Reduces inflammation, relieves pain, repairs tissue damage, and increases blood circulation. PEMF ( Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy: Reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promotes tissue and cell repair. Food Therapy: A diet of home-cooked or raw dog food helps reduce inflammation. Ingredients like sardines, shiitake mushrooms, and green-lipped mussels can help. Conscious Proprioception Exercises: Dexter wore Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips to stimulate awareness of his feet. I also regularly work with him on footwork exercises to help him be more aware of his feet. Canine Hydrotherapy: Water treadmill therapy strengthens Dexter’s body with low joint impact. Core Strength Exercises: Dexter’s rehabilitation focuses on boosting his core and back end strength, crucial for enhancing balance and stability. Through a variety of exercises using different equipment, we target his abdominal, back, and hind leg muscles, ensuring he can confidently navigate any challenges. Living with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with Chiari Malformation Living with a dog diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and syringomyelia can be challenging. Dexter’s first year after diagnosis was the most challenging. Trying to figure out what worked best for him, what kinds of activities or weather would trigger breakthrough pain, and how best to manage it. His life changed, but, luckily, with a great team of professionals, I was and am able to provide Dexter with a great quality of life that is still full of adventures and enrichment. Comfort Measures To help keep Dexter as comfortable, happy, and pain-free as possible, I’ve incorporated a range of products. Dog Harness: Avoid collars that can be painful due to the disease’s nature. Dog Strollers: Great for giving Dexter a break while still being part of adventures. Cooling Mats and Warming Blankets: Depending on Dexter’s temperature needs. I will say, now Dexter is on a cooling mat almost 100 percent of his downtime. He rarely seeks heat. Snuggle Jackets: Some dogs find comfort in them, while others might not. In the beginning, Dexter wore one almost all the time. But, I think, after we finally found our groove with his care, they were no longer necessary. Natural Calming Aids: Calming CDs and natural calming sprays help Dexter on rough days. Support for Dogs with Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia Let’s unite in this journey. Dexter’s courage living with Chiari malformation and syringomyelia serves as a light of hope for us all. You aren’t in this alone. Seek the help of a good veterinarian team, join a support group, including ours! Together, we can provide hope and guidance to others on similar paths. Go Team Dexter! Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
June 26, 2024Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Enrichment Ideas Ultimate Guide to Canine Enrichment for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels If you are reading this blog post on ways to keep your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel entertained, you have made me a very happy lady. Mental stimulation for your Cavalier is so important, and sometimes a very overlooked part of a good positive dog training program. I’ve always said, dog training isn’t just about teaching your Cavalier to do something or not do something. Rather, there is a synergy between training your Cavalier and everything else including canine enrichment. I think bonding with your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the best medicine for both you and your pup. So much so, I started a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Facebook group, with a big emphasis on enrichment ideas for Cavaliers. And the photos you are about to see on this Cavalier blog are all from members of our wonderful community! Now, let’s dive into canine enrichment and why it’s so important. What is Canine Enrichment? Canine enrichment is about making your dog’s life better by giving them fun activities that keep their mind and body active. I think about canine enrichment as life experiences and engaging our Cavaliers in a variety of fun and interactive activities. It’s more than just a food puzzle toy, although that’s a great introduction to enrichment for your Cavalier. Enrichment can be interactive play, positive dog training sessions, sensory games, physical activities, food enrichment, and outdoor adventures. The goal is to keep your Cavalier happy, healthy, and mentally sharp. When you do this, it helps prevent boredom, boosts your dog’s mental skills, and strengthens your bond, which also leads to better listening and obedience. Subscribe to @CavalierTipsandFun for more! Beyond Food: Enrichment Through Interaction Many people associate canine enrichment primarily with food-related activities, like filling food toys or using interactive frozen treats. While these activities are great, and I use them daily with Dexter, they are just one piece of the enrichment puzzle. When I think of canine enrichment, I think of activities that involve direct interaction with Dexter. It’s about more than just keeping him occupied with food toys—it’s about creating a connection with him, something we do together. Incorporating various types of environmental enrichment can greatly benefit your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, both mentally and physically. Enrichment keeps those unwanted behaviors at bay by preventing boredom. It encourages social interaction, making for a happier and more engaged dog. Positive Training for Your Cavalier Training is a wonderful way to enrich your Cavalier’s life. Whether you’re teaching basic obedience, fun tricks, or advanced behaviors, positive dog training sessions offer cognitive stimulation and deepen your bond. Cavaliers are smart and love to please, which makes them quick and eager learners. Remember, when you’re teaching and training your Cavalier, you want the training to be fun for both your dog and you. Google Ad Below Outdoor Adventures Taking your Cavalier to the park or on a walk can be incredibly gratifying. Consider going on a “sniffy walk,” where your pup gets to explore and investigate their surroundings at their own pace. Allowing them to follow their nose is not only fun but also taps into their natural instincts. Other fun outdoor adventures can be indoors too! Take your Cavalier to a pet store for some shopping or visit a dog-friendly indoor store. Just make sure to call the establishment first to double-check their pet policies. Those training sessions you’ve been working on will ensure your indoor fun is a positive experience and one you can feel proud of. Fun and Beneficial Canine Fitness Activities Incorporating canine fitness activities can be both fun and vital for your Cavalier’s health. Stretching, sits to downs to stands, using wobble boards, or even walking over cavaletti poles are a few examples. These activities help keep your Cavalier in good physical shape and engaged. Other fitness ideas include walking on slight outdoor hills, placing two paws on a curb, jumping on a sturdy boulder, and walking across a fallen tree trunk. Always prioritize safety during these exercises. Sensory Enrichment for Your Cavalier Sensory enrichment is another great way for keeping your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel active and entertained. This type of enrichment is all about stimulating their senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch, and even taste. Obviously, there is some overlap between enrichment “categories.” Consider incorporating toys that make different sounds or have different textures to engage their hearing and touch senses. You can even make a scent garden in your yard with dog-friendly plants and herbs. Or, grab some outdoor things such as pine cones, grass, and flowers and place them in scent boxes for your Cavalier to smell or find. Plus, activities such as scent work, where your dog uses their sense of smell to find hidden treats or toys, can provide a great mental and physical workout.. By giving your Cavalier a variety of sensory experiences, you satisfy their natural curiosity and make them happier overall. Giving your Cavalier sensory activities like scent work or creating a scent garden not only keeps them entertained but also deepens your connection as you explore together. Bonding Activities Simple activities like grooming, talking to your dog, or giving them a gentle massage are also forms of enrichment. By connecting and touching your dog, you not only are able to do a lump-and-bump check, but you are laying the foundation of trust. Shared Zen moments like listening to music together or just lounging on the couch, can also be incredibly soothing for both you and your dog. Don’t forget snuggle time! Most Cavaliers love to cuddle, and those quiet, close moments can deepen your relationship even more. Did you hear that, Dexter? By incorporating these simple yet meaningful activities into your life, you’ll create a stronger relationship with your dog. Food Games and Interactive Toys: Enhancing Mealtime for Your Cavalier Food games like lick mats, interactive food toys, and snuffle mats are a great way to feed your Cavalier. Instead of wasting those valuable calories by tossing them in a bowl, using enrichment toys offers a fantastic activity. Don’t use extras in those food toys; use your Cavalier’s daily food or food calories. For Cavaliers who are fed fresh food, such as a raw or fresh diet, lick-type toys like lick mats are perfect. These toys allow your Cavalier to eat their food while licking and enjoying their mealtime. Spreading the food out encourages more time eating and offers an easy enrichment activity. It also mimics natural foraging behavior. Snuffle Mat DIY If your Cavalier is fed dry kibble or dehydrated food, treat dispensing toys or snuffle mats are excellent choices. These toys make mealtime interactive by challenging your Cavalier to work for their food. They may knock around a toy that dispenses their meal or snuffle around a mat for their nibbles. In order to keep your Cavalier’s calories in check, you can reduce a small portion of their dry food and use fresh foods or toppers or freeze-dried 100 percent meat in these toys to add variety and excitement. Incorporating food games and interactive toys into your Cavalier’s routine makes mealtime more enjoyable and provides an easy and daily mental enrichment activity. But, don’t just go with one treat puzzle toy. The more variety, the better. Enriching Your Cavalier’s Life with Every Adventure Canine enrichment is all about creating a variety of positive and fun experiences that enhance your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s life. Food toys are great–it’s the interactive, engaging activities that truly enhance their daily experiences. By focusing on a variety of enrichment activities, you’ll ensure your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is happy, content, and well-rounded. I host a private Facebook group for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and we have a big focus on canine enrichment ideas and challenges to keep your Cavalier engaged and thriving! I’d love to hear about your own enrichment ideas and experiences with your Cavalier! Share your tips and stories in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going.   Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
July 24, 2024What Kind of Chew Toys and Bones are Safe for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels? Most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels love to chew! Chewing is a natural and normal dog behavior that helps fight boredom and can even help keep your Cavalier’s teeth pearly white. But remember, brushing your Cavalier’s teeth daily is still ideal. Puppies and adolescent Cavaliers tend to have a high drive for chewing things. Sometimes, whatever they can sink those teeth into. Hopefully, you are working with a qualified dog trainer to ensure your Cavalier is learning to chew on the right items instead of your furniture, or, even worse, electrical cords or something else that can harm your Cavalier puppy. So, what makes a chew toy or bone safe for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? Over the years, my opinion on this has evolved. I once opted for the harder, the better. But, now, I’m on the other side of the fence, choosing softer items. Hard and tough dog bones can chip teeth and even splinter, which can be very dangerous. Even my sweet, Dexter chipped his tooth on a hard bone….his last hard bone. I personally do not use or recommend hard bones, antlers, hooves, plastic or nylon bones, rawhides, chews with lots of ingredients, wood bones, or weight-bearing bones. But, I will always say, this is my personal opinion, and they are your Cavaliers. You can do whatever you feel comfortable doing for them, and you will not be judged by me, nor should you be judged by your peers. Please be aware that not every chew toy or bone will be suitable for every Cavalier. I strongly recommend active supervision when your Cavalier chews, particularly if it’s a new toy or bone or if the chew item is edible. The right size of a bone or toy is also important. You want to make sure the toy or bone is not so small that your Cavalier can place the entire item in their mouth and risk choking. This includes when the chew gets smaller. I tend to toss the end out before Dexter swallows it, with the exception of a chew that is crunchy. Finding the right chew for your Cavalier is sort of like “The Princess and the Pea.” So, let’s jump into my recommendations for safe and healthy chew bones for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Fish Skins: With a good dehydrated or freeze-dried fish skin dog treat, the treat will be 100 percent fish skin with no artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors. With this list and anything I recommend, the first stop should be to read the actual ingredient panel. What’s inside. Everything. It’s also important to check out the packaging and carefully read the ingredient list and where the fish was caught and processed. Fish skins are great treats for your Cavalier, full of omega-3 fatty acids, typically low in fat, and fully edible. Most dogs love the taste and eagerly chew away. Some fish skins are crunchy, while others are chewy. Chewy ones last longer but need close supervision to make sure your Cavalier chews them up vs. swallowing a large piece. Shop now. Bully Sticks & Pizzles: Made from the manly part of a bull, many dogs love chewing on these. What I like is that they typically just start to get soft and disappear; I haven’t seen any pieces break off. However, I have seen a stick peel every once in a while, like string cheese. You can also purchase bully stick holders to help hold the stick, which adds a second layer of safety, helping to prevent your dog from swallowing the end. I personally toss that piece into the garbage. Again, sourcing and how they are manufactured is key. Natural does not correlate to not using irradiation (radiation). I contacted my fair share of bully stick brands and asked if they used irradiation, so, make sure you do your homework. Tip: get odor-free or low-odor versions. These can stink like crazy! Shop now. Raw Bones: Raw bones are another option for your Cavalier to chew on, especially if they are already on a raw diet or natural diet. Because the bones are not cooked, they are soft and unlikely to splinter. Cooked bones easily splinter and are very hard on teeth. The size will depend on the size of the bone and your Cavalier. A few options to consider include necks, wings, feet and tails. Once again, supervise and watch for choking or swallowing. Necks did not work for Dexter, as he thought he should just suck the whole thing down. Chewing Tips: Don’t clean the bones; feed them with some meat on them, as they come. Let your Cavalier pull on the meat and chew and lick the bone. Allow them to have them for an hour, then throw them away. It’s when they sit around the house, get buried, or get dried out that you get bacteria and splintering. They will last in the fridge for three days before feeding. They can also be frozen and thawed. Feed outside or on a towel, and make sure your Cavalier is wearing their snood!. Avoid weight-bearing bones, as dogs can chip or fracture their teeth due to how hard they are. Show now. Dehydrated Duck/Chicken/Rabbit Feet/Ears: Duck, chicken, and rabbit feet or ears are excellent, crunchy, edible chews for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Dehydrated or freeze-dried. Both offer good chewing options. Chicken and duck feet are rich in chondroitin, glucosamine, and collagen, which support joint health, reducing the risk of brittle bones, improving mobility, and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Rabbit ears and feet are particularly appealing as they are low in fat, high in protein, and help clean your dog’s teeth while reducing plaque buildup. Additionally, the fur on rabbit ears can serve as a natural dewormer. These natural chews are both nutritious and enjoyable, but always supervise your Cavalier to ensure safe chewing. Shop now. Tripe Sticks: Tripe sticks are a fantastic chew option for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Typically made from the stomach lining of cattle, lamb, or goat, these chews are naturally rich in digestive enzymes and nutrients that support gut health. Tripe sticks provide a satisfying, chewy texture that most Cavaliers love, while also helping to clean their teeth and gums. They are full of nutrients that can be a great addition to your dog’s chew rotation. Shop now. Beef Tails: Beef tails are another excellent choice for your Cavalier. They are durable and provide a long-lasting chewing experience, which helps keep your Cavalier engaged and entertained. Beef tails are also high in protein and can help naturally clean your Cavalier’s teeth. The natural toughness of beef tails makes them a good option for aggressive chewers, but always make sure to choose the appropriate size to prevent any choking hazards. Shop now. Tendons: Tendons are a great chew for Cavaliers because they are tough yet somewhat flexible, providing a satisfying chew without being too hard on their teeth. They are also rich in collagen, which is beneficial for joint health. Tendons help keep your Cavalier’s teeth clean and their gums healthy. Most Cavaliers find the chewy texture very satisfying. Shop now. Yak Chews: Yak chews are a fantastic option for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, but I only recommend them when microwaved to make them poofy. Microwaving them creates a crunchy, airy texture that Cavaliers love, making them a safe and enjoyable option. They are rich in protein and calcium, supporting your dog’s overall health. Made from a mixture of yak and cow milk, these chews are rich in protein and calcium, supporting your dog’s overall health. Again, double check the ingredient label; not all are created equal. Subscribe to @RaisingYourPetsNaturally’s YouTube channel for more! Fillable Chew Toys: I am a fan of filling various food toys such as West Paw Tux and Toppl with healthy snacks. The key to getting your Cavalier to chew on a food toy is to stuff it! If your Cavalier is eating the toy instead of the inside food, I do not recommend it. Shop now. Ingredients matter! If you’re considering chew bones made from various ingredients, it’s crucial to flip over the package and dive deep into the ingredient list. Not all chews are created equal, and some can contain nasty or even toxic substances that could harm your dog. Look for natural, wholesome ingredients and avoid artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. A little extra time spent reading labels can make a big difference in keeping your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel safe and healthy. So, there you have it. That is the current list of some healthy and natural chew toys, bones I feel comfortable providing Dexter and recommending to my dog training clients. Always remember to supervise your Cavalier when they are chewing and to choose the right size and type of chew for their needs. Which of these chews does your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel love the most? Share your favorite chew toys or treats in the comments below! A big thank you to all the members in our Cavalier Facebook group for your wonderful photos! Google Ad Below   Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives! 🐶💙Support our passion for pet wellness and unlock exclusive content, perks and early access by exploring our Patreon tiers. Sign up for our weekly newsletter!   Join us on Facebook!   [...]Read more...
April 28, 2024Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Good for Therapy Dog Work? Today, I want to chat about a topic that is close to my heart: therapy dogs! Have you ever wondered if your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel would make a good therapy dog? It’s a common question and one that has a few caveats. First, it’s not all about the dog! I know, I know, it’s always all about Dexter, but with visiting therapy dogs, it’s about teamwork. But what is a visiting therapy dog team, and what do they do? A therapy pet team is a person and their pet (sometimes cats, bunnies, etc.) who share their companionship and comfort with those in need, visiting places like hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. These teams engage in either Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA) or Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT). AAA therapy dog teams engage in sessions without the presence of a medical professional or specific treatment goals, aiming simply to bring joy and comfort. Whereas AAT therapy dog teams work with healthcare providers in goal-oriented sessions aimed at addressing specific issues, with progress carefully measured and tracked throughout the process. Being a good therapy dog team isn’t just about your Cavalier; it’s also about you. Both you and your CKCS are visiting as a team. You both must have the skills and knowledge required to visit people in a wide range of settings. Let’s discuss what humans should be bringing to a Cavalier therapy dog team. As a therapy dog handler, it’s important to be comfortable when interacting with both people and your dog. You’ll need to be able to guide your Cavalier through different situations, encouraging them and keeping them safe and happy. Understanding your dog is key to becoming a therapy dog handler. You’ve got to be able to recognize the tiniest changes in behavior and body language, and quickly respond. And at the same time, you will be multitasking by staying engaged with individuals. It’s a balancing act, for sure, especially as you start out your journey as a therapy dog team. Now, what personality should your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel have in order to make a good therapy dog? When it comes to a well-suited therapy dog, you can look at a few key traits. A good therapy dog should be reliable, predictable, and able to follow your cues with ease. That’s not to say they have to be robots and never get flustered, but as a general rule, you want a dog that is solid in their temperament. Your dog should be friendly with strangers, as your visits will be with strangers. At the same time, they should be poised, not jump on people, and be able to walk nicely on a leash around distractions, including food. It’s not just about loving new people; it’s also about having manners in new and unfamiliar environments. Getting Started Training Your Cavalier to Become a Visiting Therapy Dog It’s important that your Cavalier have basic obedience and manners. Walking on a loose leash in crowded places, around dogs, and on slick floors is a must. Leaving food or dropped pills on the ground is incredibly important for your dog’s safety. If your Cavalier knows tricks, that can be a great icebreaker and is also helpful when someone wants to look at your dog but not pet them. Dexter and I were a visiting therapy dog team for many years, and tricks and activities were by far his favorite visits! If your dog needs a refresher, enroll in a positive dog training class. Subscribe to our @CavalierTipsandFun YouTube channel for more! Google Ad Below After your Cavalier has mastered his basic obedience skills in a variety of environments, look for a therapy dog training prep class. This may be a weekend class or one that spans 4–8 weeks. When I taught my therapy dog prep class, each week we covered a new topic to prepare the handlers and dogs for the actual work involved and the test. My students by far enjoyed skit night, where my volunteers and I role-played different scenarios, the teams interacted, and we discussed what was good and how they could improve in that situation. It was a hoot and very eye-opening for the upcoming teams. When you and your Cavalier are ready to take your therapy dog evaluation, you will need to find an evaluator to assess whether you are ready for therapy work. But there is more than one therapy dog organization out there. Choosing the right organization is crucial. Some facilities have specific requirements, like only accepting teams evaluated by certain organizations. So, if you have your sights set on a specific organization, reach out to them first. If your dog is on a raw food diet or you provide your dog with titers vs. yearly vaccinations, not all therapy dog organizations accept that, but some do. Speaking of organizations, there are plenty out there, each with its own unique criteria. Some of the most common ones include Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Pet Partners, Love on a Leash, and Therapy Dogs International. Be sure to check out their specific requirements before making your decision. Subscribe to @DextertheDogandFriends for kid-friendly content! During the evaluation, the evaluator will test your skills to ensure you’re ready to handle various situations with confidence. Once you’ve got the green light from your evaluator, send in your paperwork and fees. While you are waiting for your official badge, it’s a good time to start reaching out to facilities you’re interested in visiting. It’s best to meet with the director, take a tour, and get a feel for the environment without your dog. When you are ready to visit with your Cavalier, keep those initial visits short and sweet. It’s all about easing them into the new surroundings and ensuring they feel comfortable and confident in their role as a therapy dog. And remember, if you don’t think therapy work is in the cards for your Cavalier, that’s perfectly fine. There are plenty of other enjoyable activities you and your Cavalier can explore together. But if therapy work is the journey you’ve chosen, then I wish you both the best of luck on this rewarding adventure.   Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!       Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
August 20, 2024Why Does My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Eat Everything? As a devoted Cavalier King Charles Spaniel family, you may be wondering why your Cavalier seems to eat everything in sight. Leaves, rocks, plants, grass, paper, cardboard, whatever they seem to be able to get their mouth around is fair game. This can be concerning, as it should be. If your Cavalier eats something he shouldn’t, there’s a risk of poisoning or choking. This could be caused by pica, not enough food, other health-related issues, or boredom. Let’s dive in and see if, together, we can figure out why your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel eats non-food items. What is Pica? Pica is a condition where dogs eat non-food items. For Cavaliers, this could include chewing on blankets, rocks, dirt or other random items. While it might seem quirky, pica can be a sign of underlying issues. Understanding the root causes can help you address the problem and ensure your Cavalier receives the best care. The Behavior Behind Pica Cavaliers, like all dogs, need mental and physical stimulation. Without enough engagement and enrichment, they might resort to chewing on inappropriate items. A 2019 study published in The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science discovered pica is a common behavioral issue. After surveying 2,000 cases, researchers found dogs that lacked regular enrichment, whether due to being crated for too long, being bored, or just not enough physical exercise were more likely to display pica tendencies. Behavior Issues That Might Be Causing Your Cavalier’s Pica Boredom and Lack of Stimulation: Cavaliers are playful and intelligent dogs that thrive on activity. If they aren’t entertained, they might turn to chewing on anything they can find. Toys and interactive games are crucial in keeping them busy and satisfied. Stress and Anxiety: A Cavalier’s anxiety or stress is a major concern when it comes to pica. A change in routine, new family members, or other stressors can cause your Cavalier to engage in pica as a coping response. Providing a safe and secure environment along with calming activities can help reduce anxiety. If you feel your Cavalier has anxiety, it’s important to address that anxiety with a professional. Attention-Seeking: Sometimes, Cavaliers might eat non-food items to get your attention. I always say, if a dog is asking for attention, they probably aren’t getting the attention they need. Bump up your Cavalier’s training, games, and outings. Medical Reasons for Pica While pica can often be a sign of boredom, medical issues can contribute to pica in dogs. This is why it’s always important to speak with your Cavalier’s holistic veterinarian. Here are some common medical issues for pica in dogs. Nutritional Deficiencies: If your Cavalier’s diet is lacking in essential nutrients, they might chew on non-food items to make up for it. Ensure that their diet is balanced and rich in the nutrients they need. Gastrointestinal Issues: Sometimes, dogs might eat non-food items to soothe an upset stomach. If your Cavalier seems to be eating odd items frequently, it’s worth checking with your vet to rule out any digestive issues. Some diagnostic methods your vet might suggest include: Biopsies: Taking tissue samples from the digestive tract to check for disease. Therapeutic Trials: Trying a medication or diet change to see if the pica improves. Blood Work: Checking folate and cobalamin levels, and performing a TLI (Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity) test to assess pancreatic function. X-rays: Ruling out gastrointestinal obstructions and other potential causes. How to Stop Pica in Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel The good news is that pica can often be managed with positive training and enrichment techniques. If it’s medical, following your dog’s vet’s protocol will be essential. Provide Engaging Toys and Enrichment Activities: Offer a variety of toys that challenge your Cavalier’s mind and body, such as puzzle toys, chew toys, and interactive games. Incorporate activities like nose work games, agility courses, or scent trails to provide mental stimulation and prevent them from seeking out inappropriate items. Check out our Cavalier enrichment ideas! Address Anxiety with a Professional: If anxiety might be contributing to your Cavalier’s pica, consult with a dog behavior consultant. They can help identify the root causes of your dog’s anxiety and develop a tailored plan to address it. Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with praise and treats. When your Cavalier interacts with their toys or engages in positive activities, reinforce this behavior to guide them toward what’s encouraged. Monitor and Redirect: Keep an eye on your Cavalier’s actions and gently redirect them if they start chewing on non-food items. Providing appropriate toys and praising them when they use them can help steer them away from unwanted behaviors. Leash Management and OutFox Field Guard: Use a leash to manage your Cavalier and prevent them from accessing non-food items so they can’t sneak off. Consider using an OutFox Field Guard, a type of protective mesh that covers their face that can prevent dogs from eating things they shouldn’t. Unlike a muzzle, which restricts a dog’s ability to open their mouth entirely, a OutFox protects against ingestion while allowing normal breathing and drinking. Understanding and addressing pica in your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel involves a combination of detective work, positive training, proper enrichment, and, if necessary, medical evaluation. By keeping your Cavalier mentally and physically stimulated, providing a balanced diet, and offering plenty of attention and love, you can help them steer clear of inappropriate chewing and enjoy a happy, healthy life. Have you noticed any specific triggers for your Cavalier’s pica? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Google Ad Below   Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives! 🐶💙Support our passion for pet wellness and unlock exclusive content, perks and early access by exploring our Patreon tiers. Sign up for our weekly newsletter!   Join us on Facebook!   [...]Read more...
July 10, 2024Choosing a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeder While I understand the “adopt don’t shop” idea, there are valid reasons to purchase a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from a responsible Cavalier breeder. I’ve received numerous requests on how to find a good Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy breeder, so let’s dive into my personal thoughts and considerations. Educate Yourself on the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed First things first, it’s crucial to understand the breed you’re interested in. Cavaliers are charming, affectionate, and beautiful, but they also have specific needs and characteristics. Learning about the typical Cavalier personality and care can help you in deciding if a Cavalier is the right breed for your family. Dive into the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed Information The internet has a ton of information about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Not all good, so take everything with a grain of salt. I would suggest looking at Cavalier King Charles Spaniel national breed clubs and Cavalier rescues. They tend to have a lot of very helpful information. Spend time reading about Cavaliers to understand their grooming care, behavior traits, size, and medical concerns. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Temperament and Personality: Cavaliers are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They thrive on companionship and are often described as “lap dogs” or “love sponges” because they love to snuggle. But, they aren’t all snuggle bugs, and it’s important to note that they are spaniels, which stem from hunting genes, so they can be very active little dogs. Interestingly, Dexter is now almost fifteen, and, over the years, I have met a lot of Cavalier families who downsized from golden retrievers, I was one of them. I think because they have that same personality of fun and eagerness to be part of the family activities. When taught properly, they are often good with children and other dogs and adapt well to a variety of living environments. I do say when taught properly, as you can’t assume you can toss any dog into a situation and they will handle it as we had hoped. As a side note, please check out my YouTube channel, Dexter the Dog and Friends, to learn more about raising kids and dogs together. Dexter’s school assembly! Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Maintenance and Grooming: Cavaliers require regular grooming due to their silky and long coats. This includes brushing several times a week to prevent mats and tangles. Silky? Well, some Cavaliers have a much thicker coat than others. Take my Dexter, for example. He has very long fur, and it’s silky but also super thick. Daily brushing is even better if you can swing it. It will really help to prevent mats in the first place. Regular baths are important too. If you are using a truly natural dog shampoo (I use 4-Legger) that does not have any harmful ingredients, you can bathe as needed. When Dexter was a visiting therapy dog, he had to have a scrub-a-dub-dub before his visits, so that was weekly or every two weeks for us. But now, he gets a bath every three to four weeks. Their nails should also be trimmed regularly, and their teeth brushed daily to maintain good dental health. Grooming Tips. Subscribe to my @RaisingYourPetsNaturally YouTube channel for more. Trimming Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Talk about a controversy! I am always pro it’s your dog; do what is best for them and you. Dexter has Chiari malformation (more on that below) and because of that, grooming is uncomfortable. Therefore, I have always kept him in a puppy cut. I lighten that thick fur, shorten him up, trim his ears, and keep his slippers short. Slippers, BTW, are the fur around their feet, or Grinch feet. If you want to keep their Grinch feet full, it is important to still trim their foot pads to prevent slipping. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Medical Conditions: This is where our beloved breed suffers the most. Cavaliers are prone to several hereditary conditions. It’s essential to be aware of these and ensure your breeder is proactive in health testing because that’s the only way to help our Cavaliers out of their medical mess. Key health concerns include mitral valve disease (MVD), hip dysplasia, Chiari malformation (CM) and syringomyelia (SM), and patellar luxation. Reputable breeders will conduct specific screenings to minimize the risk of these conditions in their puppies. Understanding Health Testing for Cavaliers For Cavaliers, it’s crucial that both the breeding dogs and their parents are health tested for hereditary diseases. It’s not just the breeding pair, but the grandparents too! The grandparents have a longer history, testing and health records. A highly regarded breeding Cavalier should be over 2.5 years old, with parents that are MVD heart clear and MRI scanned clear of CM/SM. A reputable breeder will eagerly provide copies of health certificates of each parent and grandparents or links to tests. If not, be sure to ask. If they are hesitant to share, I would be hesitant to move forward. Mitral Valve Disease (MVD): Every breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniel should have an annual heart exam by a board-certified veterinary cardiologist. The parents of your prospective puppy should have heart clearances from a cardiologist and be at least 2.5 years old at the time of breeding. All four grandparents should be over the age of 5 and heart clear. Syringomyelia (SM) and Chiari Malformation (CM): Both parents should have MRI scans showing them clear of CM/SM after reaching 2 years of age. It’s even better if the grandparents have also undergone MRI scans and are clear of CM/SM. Hips: OFA requires that a Cavalier be a minimum of 2 years old for hips to be certified. It’s recommended for grandparents to have certified hips as well. Patellas: Testing should be done annually to ensure healthy knees and to prevent luxation in both parents. Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD): MCAD is a metabolic disorder that affects how Cavalier King Charles Spaniels process certain fats for energy. It’s caused by a genetic mutation that can lead to metabolic imbalances. DNA testing is essential to identify Cavaliers carrying the mutation and prevent passing it on to their offspring. This is a newer (Summer 2023) DNA test. Episodic Falling Syndrome (EFS): Is a hereditary neurological disorder affecting Cavaliers.  Breeders should ensure all Cavalier breeding dogs undergo DNA testing for EFS before mating. Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome: An inherited disease that affects the eyes, skin, and feet of Cavalier. It can be detected through a DNA test. Dry Eye: Testing for dry eye in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels involves a DNA health test to identify the presence of the genetic mutation associated with dry eye, curly coat syndrome. Testing ensures early detection and appropriate management of this hereditary condition in breeding dogs. Don’t forget to subscribe to our @CavalierTipsandFun YouTube channel for more! The Importance of Puppy Socialization Puppies develop both physically and mentally right out of the gate, and even during pregnancy! A stressed mom can produce stressed, unhealthy puppies. A responsible breeder not only ensures a Cavalier puppy is medically healthy, but behaviorally as well. Breeders should prioritize the physical and mental well-being of Cavalier puppies by starting basic socialization at home. This includes introducing puppies to children, adults, outdoor environments, handling and grooming, and exposing them to different textures and obstacles. Finding a Good Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeder Many national breed clubs provide breeder lists, which are a great starting point. Look within a specific mile radius you are willing to drive to meet the breeder and puppies. Breeder websites should have detailed information on health testing and puppy socialization. When you find a few breeders who look good on paper, contact them via email or phone. Discuss your goals and hopes for your new family member. You are looking for a connection with a breeder just like you are looking for a connection with your puppy. Visiting the Breeder and Their Cavaliers I recommend setting up a date and time to meet the breeder in their home and visit with their Cavaliers. Seeing the living situation and behavior of their dogs in person is a great indicator of how the puppies will turn out. Look for happy breeding dogs that are part of the family. Some breeders may be hesitant about home visits, but it’s essential for you to feel comfortable with the environment where your puppy is being raised. Picking out Dexter! FYI he was 5 weeks here, I would bring him home at 12 weeks. Choosing Your Cavalier Puppy This could be an entire article on its own, but here are a few highlights to get you started. TAKE YOUR TIME! This is not a time to make a quick decision or an impulse buy. You are choosing your next family member, a living creature with strong emotions that will hopefully be with you for the next ten to twenty years. Before meeting the puppies, have an idea about what you want to do with your Cavalier puppy and future dog. Are you looking for a canine athlete? Or maybe a therapy dog to visit children or the elderly? The personality traits of those two puppies can be quite different, so knowing your goals will help in choosing the best Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy for you, your family, and your goals. Bringing Your New Cavalier Puppy Home Picking up a new Cavalier puppy typically happens when the pup is between 12-15 weeks of age. Prepare your car for your new puppy before arriving at the breeder’s home. Items to have on hand include a travel crate, puppy blankets, healthy treats, water and bowl, and a leash and harness. If your journey includes an overnight stay, pack items for a dog friendly hotel stay. Air Travel Considerations I personally would never fly any of my pets in cargo, nor would I have my puppy shipped to me. Meeting the breeder, dogs, and puppies is essential. If you plan on a plane ride home, check with the airlines on what they will need before your departure. Maintaining Contact with Your Breeder When breeders are committed to the breed’s well-being, they may ask you to provide specific health tests on your puppy throughout its life. This means the breeder is looking to see how the puppies develop, and if there are any medical concerns over their life, they may not breed that pair again. In my book, this speaks volumes about what a responsible breeder really is. Now that you have a healthy and behaviorally sound Cavalier puppy, it’s your job to start socialization and training. You and your puppy are ready for a lifetime of fun and joy. I hope this updated article helps your readers in their quest to find a reputable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeder. Good luck at finding your BFF!   Google Ad Below   Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives! 🐶💙Support our passion for pet wellness and unlock exclusive content, perks and early access by exploring our Patreon tiers. Sign up for our weekly newsletter!   Join us on Facebook!   [...]Read more...
September 3, 2024The Importance of Enrichment for Senior Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Oh, Dexter. My senior Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, will be fifteen on October 6, 2024! I’m over the moon happy that he has led a long, happy life. He was diagnosed with Chiari malformation and syringomyelia in 2012, and I didn’t think he would have a very long life. Eventually, his MVD diagnosis also rolled in. But, despite his medical conditions, he has been thriving. He’s not just alive, he’s kicking! I’m not going to lie. He started showing his age and some cognitive decline a few years ago. I have written about his life on my first blog, Raising Your Pets Naturally, so make sure you head over there for even more about Dexter’s life and care. But today, I wanted to discuss some of the things I have done to help keep Dexter as sharp as possible and try to keep canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CCDS) at bay. Through my experiences and research, I’ve seen how diet, positive training, and environmental enrichment can make a significant difference in maintaining his quality of life. So, let’s jump in. What is Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome Canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CCDS), is similar to dementia in humans and affects many senior dogs. Symptoms can be different from dog to dog, but some common behaviors include: disorientation, disrupted sleep patterns, decreased activity levels, and changed interactions with their environment and people. Research, including a study from the Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2016), shows that cognitive decline in dogs can significantly impact their quality of life. But early intervention and supportive care can improve CCDS symptoms and a dog’s quality of life. The Importance of Canine Enrichment for Senior Cavaliers Environmental enrichment is important for helping senior Cavaliers with canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome. Canine enrichment is about engaging your Cavalier’s senses, engaging their minds, and keeping them moving. I always think about “living life to the fullest.” I mean, we brought our Cavaliers into our homes so we can enjoy them and do fun things with them. Although they are beautiful, they deserve more than just a life where they lie around all day and do nothing. Just because they are seniors, doesn’t mean this mentality should change, although their activities will need to be adjusted to meet their individual needs. And it’s not just me; there’s research that backs up this theory. Mental Stimulation: According to a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2016), mental stimulation through enrichment activities helps slow cognitive decline in senior dogs. Puzzle toys, interactive games, and scent-based activities keep the brain engaged, potentially delaying the progression of CCDS symptoms. Reduces Stress: Canine enrichment is a great way to help reduce anxiety and stress in senior Cavaliers dealing with cognitive decline. Engaging activities and sensory stimulation can make a big difference. By adding enrichment routines to their day, you’re helping your dog feel calmer and more secure, which can ease some of the stress and anxiety that often come with cognitive issues. Behavioral Improvement: Enrichment activities can make a big difference for senior Cavalier King Charles Spaniels who are restless or pacing. By offering mental and physical stimulation, these activities help reduce repetitive behaviors and keep your dog more relaxed. Enhanced Quality of Life: Enrichment isn’t just about keeping your Cavalier busy. It’s about improving their overall quality of life. Engaging in enjoyable and stimulating activities brings more enjoyment, engagement, and a sense of purpose to their days, making their lives more fulfilling. Simple Enrichment Ideas to Boost Your Senior Dog’s Quality of Life Enrichment doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. It’s all about finding simple, enjoyable activities that stimulate your senior Cavalier’s mind and body. Here are some ideas to get you started. And don’t forget to check out our article on Cavalier Enrichment Ideas. Interactive Toys: Toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving are fantastic for mental stimulation. Depending on your Cavalier, you can use treat-dispensing toys or lick mats. When Dexter was younger, treat dispensing toys and frozen Tux toys were a hit. Now, he enjoys lick mats and snuffle mats. Food toys engage your dog’s sense of smell and taste. Scent Games: Speaking of scent games, Dexter has always loved using his nose. Try hiding treats around the house or yard and let your Cavalier find them using his nose. Scent games are a natural way to keep your Cavalier active and provide both mental and physical exercise in a way most dogs love. Positive Dog Training Sessions: Short, positive dog training sessions with simple cues or tricks are highly rewarding. They keep your Cavalier’s brain sharp and help build a stronger bond through shared activities. Varied Walks or Strolls: Don’t get into a rut of going on the same walk, to the same park, on the same trail. Changing up your walking routes introduces new sights and smells. This variety provides your Cavalier with cognitive stimulation and keeps your walks fresh and interesting. Comfortable Environment: Make sure your senior Cavalier’s living space is safe and cozy. Look out for any obstacles, and ensure good footing below. Whether you have carpet, carpet runners, grippy socks, ToeGrips or all of the above, traction is incredibly important for senior Cavaliers. They don’t have the same core strength to hold themselves up, and slick floors can be very scary and even cause injury if they slip or splay out. Canine Fitness and Strength Building: I highly recommend setting up some sessions with a canine rehabilitation professional. Working with Dr. Sam, Dexter’s strength has been so important in his overall health and wellness. And our at home exercises aren’t just a way to keep him fit. They are also another form of enrichment, since he loves doing them! Engage in simple at-home exercises like sit-to-stand and sit-to-down exercises to help maintain your Cavalier’s muscle strength and joint mobility. Gentle range-of-motion exercises can also support your senior dog’s overall physical health and comfort. Supporting Cognitive Health with Diet and Nutrition Diet plays a crucial role in managing cognitive decline in senior dogs. According to research published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2019), a diet rich in specific vitamins and nutrients can significantly support cognitive health. Key vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin C act as antioxidants, protecting brain cells from oxidative stress and easing cognitive issues. B vitamins, including B6, B12, and folic acid, are essential for maintaining healthy brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish and fish oil supplements, also play a vital role in improving cognitive function and managing symptoms of cognitive decline. Including these vitamins and nutrients in your dog’s diet, either through high-quality dog food (preferably fresh) or supplements, can help manage cognitive decline and enhance their overall quality of life. Dexter, is proof of the benefits of a fresh diet. His meals are carefully prepared with high-quality, fresh ingredients and free from unnecessary chemicals. I’m convinced this fresh, balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, has played a significant role in keeping his mind sharp and supporting his overall well-being. How Positive Training Supports Cognitive Health in Senior Cavaliers Positive training and routine play a vital role in supporting a senior dog’s mental sharpness and managing the effects of cognitive decline. As a positive dog trainer, I’ve taught Dexter plenty of fun and useful tricks, not just for good behavior, but also to keep his mind engaged and sharp. Each training session isn’t just about obedience; it’s about giving Dexter the mental stimulation he needs to stay mentally fit as he ages. Incorporating regular training sessions into your dog’s routine is a great way to improve their cognition and their body. Focus on simple tricks and behaviors that challenge their mind and body without causing stress. I have noticed Dexter’s abilities change over the years, so it is important to change with them. By tailoring positive dog training sessions to your Cavalier’s needs and incorporating enjoyable activities into their day, you can help your Cavalier maintain their mental clarity and overall well-being. Follow our YouTube channel for more Cavalier enrichment ideas! Final Thoughts Incorporating canine enrichment into Dexter’s daily routine has been essential for maintaining his quality of life. It’s not just about keeping him busy; it’s about enhancing his mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Enrichment is just one piece of the puzzle for Dexter’s health. A fresh, balanced diet and consistent, positive training are also vital for supporting his well-being as a senior dog. Dexter’s vibrant health is a testament to how a combination of mental stimulation, nutritious food, and engaging routines can make a real difference. I encourage all Cavalier families to integrate these practices into their senior dogs’ lives. By focusing on enrichment, diet, and training, you can significantly improve your dog’s overall well-being and help them enjoy their golden years to the fullest. I host a private Facebook group for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and we have a big focus on canine enrichment ideas and challenges to keep your Cavalier engaged and thriving! How do you incorporate enrichment, diet, or training into your senior dog’s routine? Share your tips and experiences below! Enrichment Increases Relaxation  Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
April 21, 2024Tips for traveling with your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Dog-friendly vacation ideas. Follow @CavalierTipsandFun for more videos. Don’t forget to subscribe to @RaisingYourPetsNaturally for more! Your comments and questions are always welcome below. Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!       [...]Read more...
September 18, 2024How to Celebrate a Senior Dog’s Birthday and Healthy Dog Cake Recipe It’s hard to believe that Dexter, my best friend and constant companion, is turning fifteen! I’m over the moon that I am able to celebrate this milestone with him. He may be slowing down a bit, but his spirit and spunk remains as bright as ever. As Dexter has aged, we may have tweaked what we can do, but one thing has stayed the same: we live each day to the fullest, cherishing every moment. Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen subtle changes in Dexter’s energy and behavior. He doesn’t have the boundless energy of his younger days, and he’s been going through some senior dog anxiety. We’ve learned to adjust our activities together, and I’ve been working on helping him feel more secure as his cognition changes. Our daily enrichment now includes slow, sniffy walks, leisurely poke arounds through the neighborhood followed by a stroll, and indoor adventures. He still enjoys simple training sessions, which keep his mind sharp, and I continue his canine fitness exercises to maintain his mobility and strength. Earlier this year, Dexter went down in his back end after a reaction to medication. It was a scary time, and I wasn’t sure what his recovery would look like. I was actually wondering if his time was coming to an end. But after three to four months of dedicated rehab, I’m thrilled to share that he’s made a full recovery! Dexter’s resilience has always inspired me, and this experience only deepened my love for him. His ability to bounce back, even at fourteen, is a testament to his incredible spirit. With Dexter by my side, I’ve been inspired to dive into new creative projects. Over the past year, we launched this blog dedicated to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. This is actually our second blog! Check out our first blog, Raising Your Pets Naturally. I’ve also created a children’s coloring book, Dexter’s Adventures, bringing his playful and inspiring spirit to life for a younger audience. Which makes this his 3rd children’s book! Everything I do is shaped by Dexter, and I’m so lucky for the joy and inspiration he brings. Our mantra has always been to live each day to the fullest, and as Dexter turns fifteen, this really hits home. Every day is a gift, and I’m beyond thrilled to have Dexter with me on this journey. Together, we continue to embrace life, even as we both slow down, finding joy in the simple moments we share. Celebrating Dexter’s birthday is more than just a tradition, it’s a reminder of the love, laughter, and resilience we’ve shared throughout his life. During Dexter’s birthday celebrations, we always make sure to support Cavalier Rescue USA, a cause that’s close to our hearts. If you’re able to donate or volunteer your time, please consider checking them out, and be sure to tell them Dexter sent you! Here’s to Dexter, my silly monkey, stink pot, my muse, and the one who makes every day brighter with his love. Don’t forget to subscribe to our @CavalierTipsandFun YouTube channel for more! Print Pin Dog-Friendly Strawberry Birthday Cake Here's Dexter's 15th birthday cake recipe and photos! To make his special day even more memorable, I whipped up a dog-friendly birthday cake that’s not only tasty but also healthy. This homemade dog birthday cake is packed with ingredients Dexter loves. Whether you're planning a dog birthday celebration or looking for a healthy dog birthday cake recipe, this one is sure to be a hit with your pup.  Course cake Keyword dog friendly cake, dog birthday cake, Prep Time 1 day day Cook Time 50 minutes minutes Servings 12 Dogs Author Tonya Wilhelm IngredientsOptional Blue Spirulina Gummy Paw Print Decoration6 tbsp Beef Gelatin2 tsp Blue Spirulina2 cups Boiling WaterStrawberry Dog Friendly Cake4 cups Quinoa Flour6 Eggs16 oz Strawberries Stems Removed1/4 cup Olive OilOptional Dog Frosting8 oz Cream Cheese check the ingredients to ensure it’s dog-friendly10 oz Butternut Squash Cooked InstructionsBlue Spirulina Gummy Paw Print DecorationIn a large mixing cup, combine the gelatin and blue spirulina.Quickly stir in the boiling water until fully dissolved.Pour the mixture into the paw print cutouts in the paw-shaped cake pan. Pour any extra in other fun silicone molds.Refrigerate until set then gently remove the paw gelatin shapes.Place the paw shapes on a cookie sheet and return to the refrigerator while preparing the cake.Dog-Friendly Strawberry CakePreheat the oven to 350°F.Purée the strawberries in a blender until smooth.In a large mixing bowl, combine the quinoa flour, eggs, olive oil, and strawberry purée.Generously grease the paw print cake pan with olive oil.Pour the cake batter into the pan and bake for approximately 50 minutes, or until set.Allow the cake to cool for 15 minutes, then carefully remove it from the pan and place it on a cooling rack to cool completely.Optional Dog FrostingPurée the cooked butternut squash in a blender.Add the cream cheese to the purée and blend until smooth and well combined.Once the cake is completely cool, frost the cake with the butternut squash and cream cheese mixture.Top with the blue spirulina gummy paw print decorations for a fun and colorful touch! Join our vibrant Cavalier King Charles Spaniel community on Facebook, support our dedication to pet wellness on Patreon, and stay updated with our weekly newsletter for invaluable tips and insights into raising happy, healthy pets. Together, let’s make a difference in our dogs’ lives!     Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
October 1, 2024MCAD deficiency in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Last year, on my Raising Your Pets Naturally blog, I shared information about a relatively new health condition found in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency. As many Cavalier families know, this breed is already prone to several health issues, and adding another one to the list is upsetting. MCAD deficiency is a genetic condition that impacts how the body breaks down certain fats for energy. Recent research has found some Cavaliers who have symptoms such as seizures, lethargy, and other health issues may have MCAD. The initial study that brought this to the general public’s attention focused on a three-year-old male Cavalier who was experiencing seizures and unusual tiredness. After examining his blood and urine, researchers discovered elevated medium-chain fatty acids, pointing to MCAD deficiency. They then sequenced the dog’s genome and identified a specific change in the ACADM gene, which is associated with this condition. When the researchers tested this genetic variant in 162 Cavaliers, they found that about 23.5 percent of the dogs carried the mutation. This discovery is important because it suggests that MCAD deficiency might be the reason behind the seizures and other symptoms we sometimes see in Cavaliers. Here are some symptoms to watch for: Seizures: Seizures or convulsions can be a key indicator of potential MCAD deficiency. Lethargy: Unexplained and prolonged tiredness could be a sign of an underlying issue like MCAD deficiency. Intermittent Health Issues: These episodes might include vomiting, decreased energy, or more severe symptoms like seizures. Unsteady Gait: Difficulty walking or balance issues could occur during episodes. Loss of Appetite: A sudden loss of interest in food might indicate a problem. Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia): This can lead to weakness, shakiness, disorientation, and seizures. Abnormal Behavior: Changes in behavior, such as irritability or confusion, might be linked to a metabolic disorder. Respiratory Distress: In severe cases, dogs might experience difficulty breathing during an episode. Frequent Infections: Some dogs with MCAD deficiency may be more prone to infections. Neurological Symptoms: Symptoms like circling, head pressing, or lack of coordination could be signs of this condition. I know, right? A lot of these symptoms are also symptoms of other Cavalier King Charles Spaniel medical issues. While these symptoms can be caused by various factors, it’s important to consider MCAD deficiency, especially if your Cavalier is showing multiple signs. Consider Getting Your Cavalier Tested for MCAD Deficiency If you’re concerned about MCAD deficiency and its impact on your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, getting your dog tested is a straightforward step you can take. The test involves a simple at-home swab, which you can easily order and perform yourself. This can provide valuable insights into whether your Cavalier carries the gene associated with MCAD deficiency. For those thinking about adding a new Cavalier puppy to their family, it’s encouraging to know that many responsible breeders are proactively testing their breeding pairs and even the grandparents. This testing helps ensure that future puppies are less likely to inherit MCAD deficiency, contributing to healthier generations of Cavaliers. Testing is a proactive measure that can help you make informed decisions about your dog’s health and well-being. If you’re interested in testing, talk to your veterinarian or reach out to a reputable lab for more information on how to get started. For Cavaliers at risk of MCAD deficiency, diet plays a crucial role. Since these dogs might struggle to break down medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), it’s recommended to be mindful of their diet: Limit MCTs: Foods high in MCTs, like coconut oil, palm oil, and milk products, including yogurt might need to be limited in dogs with this genetic variant. Watch High-Fat Diets: A balanced diet, without excessive fats, is key for Cavaliers with potential MCAD deficiency. Cavaliers that haven’t been tested for MCAD deficiency should avoid foods high in MCTs. Without knowing their genetic status, it’s best to be cautious to prevent potential health issues like seizures or other symptoms associated with the condition. If your Cavalier has had a diet rich in MCTs for a few years without any of the symptoms listed above, you may consider continuing to feed. However, the test is pretty easy and inexpensive, so it might be just easier and safer to test to know for sure. The research on MCAD deficiency in Cavaliers is ongoing, and it’s vital for more Cavaliers to be tested. A simple swab test can determine whether your Cavalier carries the gene associated with MCAD. This testing is important not just for your Cavalier’s care, but also for responsible breeding practices to reduce the prevalence of this mutation in future generations. If you test, please contact your Cavalier’s breeder with the results. Testing for MCADD Canine Genetic Testing GenSol Animal Diagnostics Laboklin As of June, 2024, the latest stats from a Facebook group dedicated to MCAD deficiency in Cavaliers show the following: Genetically Affected: 49 dogs (9.78%) Clinically Affected: 6 dogs (1.2%) Carriers: 238 dogs (47.5%) Clear: 214 dogs (42.7%) These numbers highlight the importance of testing and awareness within our Cavalier community. By staying informed and proactive, we can continue to support the health and well-being of our Cavaliers. Managing MCAD Deficiency: Diet and Care Tips If your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been diagnosed with MCAD deficiency, managing their condition effectively involves careful attention to their diet and feeding schedule. I would suggest a good heart to heart with your dog’s holistic veterinarian. If your Cavalier does have MCAD deficiency you will need to avoid a high-fat diet and avoid foods high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Don’t forget to read those ingredient panels on all the foods, treats, and chews you feed your Cavalier. Although MCAD deficiency is serious in Cavaliers, a good food protocol can help ensure your Cavalier still leads a full and enriched life.       Google Ad Below [...]Read more...
October 15, 2024Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Travel Tips As a Cavalier mom and positive dog trainer, I know how important it is to help our Cavaliers feel comfortable and safe during car rides. Whether you’re planning a quick trip to the park or a longer dog-friendly road trip, making sure your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel enjoys the car ride is key to a stress-free trip for both you and your dog. When Dexter and I hit the road, I never have to worry about how he’ll handle the ride. He’s a fantastic travel companion because I spent time training him to feel confident and at ease in the car. Today, I want to share my top tips on how you can prepare your Cavalier for car travel and road trips and turn them into a relaxed, happy traveler too. 1. Start with Short and Positive Rides Just like with any new experience, easing your Cavalier into car rides instead of popping them into the car for a twelve-hour road trip is super important. Begin by taking short trips to fun, dog-friendly places like the local park or pet store. Keep the first few rides short and sweet, no more than ten-to-fifteen minutes. The goal is to associate the car with positive and fun destinations. A trip to the vet does not count as a fun visit for most dogs. 2. Create a Safe Space in the Car Safety should always be a priority when traveling with your Cavalier. A secure dog car seat or crash-tested harness designed for small breeds like Cavaliers is a must. I personally recommend looking into the Center for Pet Safety’s approved products, as they conduct independent crash testing for dog travel gear. If a brand states they are crash tested, make sure to watch their crash tested video. Dexter typically travels in a small crate. Because of his Chiari Malformation and syringomyelia and large size, travel harnesses aren’t the most comfortable for him. However, when we travel in the small car, a crash-tested and passed (yes, make sure they have passed the test) is our go-to. The key is to find a comfortable yet safe setup so your Cavalier feels relaxed without compromising their security. 3. Pack Familiar Comfort Items Make your Cavalier feel more at home by packing some familiar items for the ride. When Dexter was a puppy, he would cozy up with his baby blanket and soft toy. Now, he has a therapeutic mat inside his crate. He likes to stay cool, so I also have a fan pointing at him. These little comforts can help reduce anxiety and make the ride smoother for dogs who may initially feel unsure about the car. If your Cavalier is a bit anxious, place something with your scent, like a worn T-shirt next to your Cavalier. Your presence, even in the form of scent, can be calming for your Cavalier, especially if they’re a bit nervous during the first few rides. 4. Plan for Frequent Breaks When traveling for more than an hour, make sure to schedule frequent potty and stretch breaks. Cavaliers are active little dogs, and, like all of us, they need to stretch their legs and take in their surroundings. I like to plan stops at dog-friendly rest areas or parks where Dexter can explore, do his business, and get a little energy out before continuing the journey. Remember, each break is an opportunity for positive training. Use it as a chance to reward your dog for good behavior during the ride, and they’ll look forward to the next part of the trip. 5. Help Your Cavalier Relax with Calming Music One of my favorite dog travel hacks is playing calming music designed for dogs during long car rides. I’ve been a fan of the iCalmDog portable speaker, which plays clinically-tested music that helps keep dogs calm and relaxed. Just be careful not to fall asleep at the wheel yourself! Check out our all Cavalier calming playlist on YouTube! 6. Monitor Your Cavalier’s Well-Being Keep an eye on your Cavalier’s behavior throughout the trip. Some Cavaliers may experience motion sickness, especially on longer rides. If your dog starts to drool excessively, whine, or seem uncomfortable, it might be time for a break. You can try natural remedies like ginger treats (with your vet’s approval) or consult your vet for other options. If your Cavalier seems overly tired or stressed, don’t be afraid to cut the trip short. The goal is for travel to be a positive experience, and pushing them too far can have the opposite effect. By starting with short, positive experiences and keeping their safety and comfort in mind, you can help your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel become a happy traveler. Dexter loves our road trips, and I’m sure your Cavalier will too! Do you have any favorite travel tips for Cavaliers? Drop them in the comments! Follow us on YouTube For fun dog-friendly travel adventures!       Google Ad Below [...]Read more...