How to Teach Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to “Leave It” | Positive Training for Cavaliers

Teaching your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to “leave it” or ignore something on your cue can be lifesaving. Imagine dropping a pill in front of your Cavalier or going for a walk and passing garbage in the street. If your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a reliable “leave it” cue, you can easily ask him to leave it as you pick up the pill or walk past the garbage.
When I start the “leave it” training, what I want my dog to learn is that “leave it” doesn’t mean he doesn’t get something, but that I have something better. This helps to build a more reliable behavior, especially off-leash. If you only teach your dog that “leave it” means he doesn’t get something, he might just try to grab the item faster or run off with it. That’s not what we want!
As with all dog training, remember that you need to regularly practice these lessons. Training your Cavalier is not just about doing it once and then only when you need it. Reliable dog training takes time, patience, and consistency. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, in particular, can be a bit food-driven, so keeping them engaged and excited about the reward is key.
So, be patient, consistent, and most importantly, have fun with your Cavalier while training!

Teaching Your Cavalier to Leave It Level 1
Start with a small, low-value dog treat in your closed hand, and place it about 12 inches to the side of your Cavalier’s face. Make sure your hand is at the right height, not too close to his face, but not too far away either. Let your dog see it there, and wait him out. As soon as he moves his face away or ignores the treat, say, “YES!” and reward him with an amazing treat from your other hand. Not going for the treat is a win, too! So, if you present the leave it treat hand and he doesn’t go for it, “YES!” and treat. Repeat this a few times.
When your Cavalier starts ignoring your treat hand altogether, move to Level 2.
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Teaching a Dog to Leave It Level 2
Start like Level 1, but before you drop your hand, say your “leave it” cue once. Wait him out; as soon as he moves his face away or ignores the treat, say, “YES!” and treat from your other hand. Repeat. When he stops going for your hand after hearing the “leave it” cue, move to Level 3.
Training Your Cavalier to Leave It Level 3
Say your “leave it” cue and drop your hand with the low-value treat to your dog’s side, but leave your hand OPEN. If he goes for the treat, quickly close your hand. When he moves his face away, praise and reward him with a treat from your other hand. Repeat. When your Cavalier is reliably ignoring the treat in your open hand, move to Level 4.
Teaching Your Cavalier to Ignore Items Level 4
At this stage, it’s time to change things up a bit. Up until now, you’ve been using low-value, boring dog treats for the “leave it” item. Once your dog is starting to get the hang of it, it’s time to up the ante. Use tastier treats or toys as the “leave it” item, but remember, his reward needs to be even better.
You can try:
- Tastier treats or food
- Paper products, tissue, or paper towels
- Toys
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Here’s how to set it up when using a toy:
- Pick a Toy: Choose a toy that your Cavalier likes but isn’t so high-value that your Cavalier would immediately grab it without hesitation. Start with something mildly exciting like a squeaky ball, fleece tuggy toy, or stuffed animal that your dog enjoys.
- Set Up the Training Area: Find a quiet spot where you can focus and your dog isn’t too distracted by other things. Make sure it’s a place where you can manage your dog’s movement and reactions.
- Start the Cue: Hold the toy in your hand and get your dog’s attention. Don’t get too silly. You just want him to know it’s there, with a bit of excitement.
- Use the “Leave It” Cue: Once you’ve gotten his attention, say the “leave it” cue calmly. Hold the toy in front of your dog just out of reach, but don’t place it on the ground yet.
- Wait for the Response: Your dog may try to lunge for the toy or show interest in it. The goal here is for him to move away or ignore it, not to grab it. If he goes for it, just swipe the toy up to your chest and ignore him and wait for him to ignore it. Then repeat the process of lowering your hand with the toy. As soon as your dog turns his head or steps away from the toy, immediately say “YES!” and give him a better reward (a tastier treat or something that’s even more valuable than the toy).
- Repeat and Increase Difficulty: Repeat the exercise several times, and gradually increase the difficulty. Once your Cavalier reliably ignores the toy when it’s held in your hand, move on to placing the toy on the ground. To set this up, place the toy behind you, out of reach. This way, you can gently body block your dog if he tries to move toward it. When he turns away or ignores the toy, immediately reward him with a better treat or better toy.
- Body Blocking: Body blocking involves using your own body to gently guide your dog away from a distraction, like a toy, by positioning yourself between your dog and the item. It’s important to note that body blocking is not about kneeing or being rough with your Cavalier. It’s a gentle, calm way to redirect their attention. However, some dogs may find body blocking intimidating or scary, so if your Cavalier shows signs of stress, it’s best to avoid this method and use alternative techniques for redirection.
- Build Duration: As your Cavalier gets more comfortable with the “leave it” cue around toys, try holding the cue for a longer period of time. For example, you can wait for him to sit or stay before rewarding him. This increases his patience and focus during the exercise.

Training Your Cavalier to Leave Something Level 5
Place a low-value treat under your cupped hand, with your dog in front of you. Say your “leave it” cue, and wait for your Cavalier to ignore the treat. If he looks away or shows interest but doesn’t try to grab it, immediately reward him from your other hand with a better treat.
As he gets the hang of this, start showing the “leave it” treat under your cupped hand. If your dog ignores the treat, reward him from your other hand. If he tries to go for the treat, simply cup your hand over the treat again. Repeat this process, gradually raising the criteria by making the treat more tempting and testing his ability to resist.
Teaching Your Cavalier to Leave It Level 6 and Beyond
Now it’s time to make things more challenging. Increase the difficulty by adding distractions, different environments, or a variety of leave-it items. Always be mindful of your Cavalier’s current ability level, and don’t rush the process. If you find your Cavalier is struggling or making mistakes, step back and simplify the task again. You want to build confidence and reliability.
- Never allow your Cavalier to get the “leave it” item. If you want your Cavalier to have it, you pick it up and give it to him. The goal is to teach him that ignoring the item leads to something better, not just an empty reward.
- If your Cavalier is having trouble with the exercise, step back to easier levels or increase the value of the reward to keep him motivated and engaged. You can also try lowering the difficulty by using a less tempting “leave it” item to help him succeed.
- The goal isn’t just for your Cavalier to avoid the item once, but to understand that when you say “leave it,” he has the chance to earn something even better. The more your dog experiences this rewarding outcome, the more reliable the behavior will become.
Pro Tips:
- Keep training sessions short, positive, and fun! Don’t let the “leave it” item overwhelm or frustrate your Cavalier. If he’s struggling, simplify the task and increase the reward to keep him interested and motivated.
How Often Should You Practice the Leave It Behavior with Your Cavalier?
It is important to regularly practice “leave it” throughout the day, not just during formal training sessions. You can incorporate it during walks, around the house, or when playing. As you add distractions, make sure to reward your Cavalier for staying focused on you, especially when there are high value items around. Cavaliers are generally quick learners, but they can also get bored easily, so keep your training sessions positive and fun. Consistency and patience will pay off in the long run.
Pro Tip: Practice, practice, practice with various setups. You want your Cavalier to respond reliably to the “leave it” cue in real life situations, whether it is a dropped item, an enticing smell, or something on the floor. By practicing regularly, you ensure they will leave it without hesitation. I still reward those real life “leave its” to keep the behavior strong and consistent!
Practicing “leave it” regularly and in different situations helps ensure your Cavalier responds reliably when it matters most. Keep training sessions fun and rewarding, and don’t forget to reinforce real-life successes. Teaching a solid fetch and “drop it” will also complement “leave it,” giving your Cavalier even more useful skills. With consistency and patience, your Cavalier will continue to improve and make great choices in everyday life.
How is your leave it training going? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
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